
Responses from newbee

Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?
John, Put up some photos of your wife so we can compare her to Angelina and then judge you accordingly! :-)If you want to be a god here you've got to have a goddess. BTW, Michael I'm with you. It sure as hell does take a lot of skills to set up a ... 
Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?
In counting up the 'value' of my stuff can I count the cost of CDs and LPs? Man, I'll do almost anything to make my modest system into a MEGA system! I really need that kind of recognition. :-) And I'd post pictures but I'm afraid I'd have to figh... 
Question about set amps and low sensitivity spkrs
Pubul57, Don't think so, but I've never owned or researched a MR amp. Nice stuff though. FWIW the only thing I know of that halves power output of an amp, accross the bandwidth, is (for example) an amp which uses multiple types of power tubes and,... 
Question about set amps and low sensitivity spkrs
FWIW most tube amps put out the same wattage at 4 & 8 ohms. It neither doubles nor halves. 18w at 8 ohms is going to be 18w at 4 ohms. 
Question about set amps and low sensitivity spkrs
Many tube amps do not work well with B&W's (and a lot of other speakers) because of their impedence, both nominal and min/maximum, not because of their efficiency (so much). Optimally, tube amps like to see flat impedence curves about 8 ohms o... 
Mullard 12AX7 10M gold pins vs. steel pins
Sonically, unless the tubes themselves are actually different in construction i.e. the only difference is in the gold on the pins, initially, I don't think the average expert will be able to tell the difference between tubes steel pins and gold pi... 
Is upgrading stock tubes standard proceedure?
Rodman99999, Sometimes I think Mr T is just being silly. Of course you can hear the sound of different tubes in the BAT. I do in mine, but I'll cede this to him, I don't hear near as much difference in the BAT as I do in my Raysonic where I think ... 
I walked into a dealer and got a shock....
IMHO, using a TT with an arm that does not allow VTA adjustment is not a fatal problem, just restrictive and a PITA to set up. The problem usually arrises out of the differnt thickness of LP's which you might play. If your original set up is calcu... 
How can I improve my system
You can do your own room analysis.There are numerous set up theories/formulas you can look at on the net - Cardas, Physic's, Donlevy's (as they applied to his speakers) and Rives has a CARA program on his site which allows you to plug in your room... 
tube ringing?
FWIW I don't think microphonics in tubes is going to cause a 'ringing' in the 600 to 800 hz range. It would be much more noticible in frequencies above 2000hz IMHO.Sounds like you may just be hearing the difference between the sonic nature of some... 
I walked into a dealer and got a shock....
You need a dealer who can repair your analog front end, not editorialize on your home system in an attempt to make a sale. You don't have 'too much electronic's' for a room that size. If the combo of the Mac and the Dali's float your boat be happy... 
Is upgrading stock tubes standard proceedure?
Up grading (changing) your systems sound by changing tubes is fundamental and I think understood by most folks who venture into tubes today. It is not my intent to rain on your parade but I think your enthusiasm should be tempered a tad.IMHO the a... 
How am I frying all my amps? Oscillating? Help
Works for me. :-) 
Opera Consonance Linear 2.2 or Raysonic 128?
I believe the same reviewer at 6moons wrote up both of these CDP's. You might compare his reviews. I bought the Raysonic based on his review when it first came out and have not been disappointed in any aspect of its performance in comparison to th... 
pre-amp unacceptable noise level?
Dumb question- Is the noise only present when you rotate the volume control to its maximum position? Is it quiet when the volume control is in a position when the music is at a 'normal level' or even a bit loud? If the answer to these questions yo...