
Responses from newbee

Lacking Soundstage - Vandersteen 2C
Livin, some excellent observations above, especially that your room is too small to expect to achieve really excellent soundstaging. A couple of observations, things that I have done successfully in the past. In addition to triangulating a speaker... 
Loss of Sound Quality when both systems are ON
This 'problem' may be a result of the design of the pre-amp. My ARC SP10 does exactly the same thing. I can not use two outputs to drive two systems at the same time. Connecting a seperate system to the second set of outputs 'loads' the other. Alm... 
Your Favorite Traditional Ballad
'Traditional' ballads - i.e. ballads out of history or ballads which meet some contemporary definition?If the former, and if you can admit to liking a bit of 'country' music once in a while (I love 'folk' music which has its origins in the British... 
Cayin A50t biasing problem
Larry, I doubt that this is an issue, but are you taking your readings off your meter using the DC ma setting? That would make a big difference in your readings. Other than that I'm baffled right along with you. 
How to fix my detailed, accurate but BRIGHT system
I'm in the 'room/set up problem camp' and fundamentally agree with Johnnyb53. Appropriate acoustic 'treatment' would obviously be a great help but if you can't, you can't. But at least get an area rug on the floor between your chair and the speake... 
would it still
I suspect that your LS3 had some DC at its outputs which caused the popping in/from your SS amp. Not unusual with tube/ss combos. This is relatively unusual with tubed amps as their transformers will not pass the DC. Some SS amps have built in pro... 
Cayin A50t biasing problem
Larry, There is something in the bias circuitry that is common to all four pots. The meter! I'm not thinking it is broken, though it might be. What I'm thinking is that something between it and the pots is defective, for example the switch where y... 
Audio Research LS-7 LS7 upgrades suggestions
Elevick has an excellent point about chasing too much money after mod's etc on a modest, 'budget'(for ARC), preamp.Apart from posting how much money you are willing to commit so you can get some more specific guidance, you might like to tell folks... 
Can even a Novice hear differences in Sound Qualit
Lithojoe, If I were to read 100 of TVAD's posts I would certainly get some positive information I can use or, if nothing else, an intelligent POV. So I benefit from his existence. So I read his posts.Why should I read yours? 
Any point in adding tube preamp to SS integrated?
IMHO, Re the probability of the addition of a pre-amp adding extra gain and creating a gain overload, consider that the VC on the CAP would attenuate the gain from the tube pre-amp just as it would any other source - the worst thing that would lik... 
Cayin A50t biasing problem
Larry, are you saying that you have a 15 to 20ma reading regardless of the rotation of the bias pot(s)? Or that is the maximum reading available? Is there any difference in the reading between the 4 tubes/locations? You know it is entirely possibl... 
Any point in adding tube preamp to SS integrated?
IMHO, you won't hear much 'tube magic', whatever that is, by adding a tube pre-amp ahead of the CAP101. What it will do, and it may be a good thing, is allow you to assert some influence on the tonal balance by using different tubes in the pre-amp... 
Cayin A50t biasing problem
The pot travel of 3/4ths of a turn is not unusual. Three of my amps do this, including a Cayin. The bias curcuit not functioning at all is a different matter. I don't own a A50t so I don't know but is it possible the bias circuit is seperately fus... 
Can you lower gain requirements on tube amp?
Well it sounded like 9db's! :-)Thanks Almarg for the info. I just never thought that db's and v's might share the same relationships. Makes sense though...........when I THINK about it. 
Best tubes 6922 for my Sonic Frontiers SFCD1 ?
Changing tubes in a CDP should not change the 'soundstaging' ability of a CDP/DAC. Change the tone, change the clarity, perhaps even add a little 'air', but not make a 'huge' change. BTW, I think the Sovtek 6922, is at best only barely OK. It is c...