Responses from newbee
High Current SS amps with input impedance = 200K Mapman, Note that I deleted the post you are responding to. Sorry about that. I was really responding to Tvads observations and was not at all pleased about what I was saying especially as it applied to you. I had already communicated all I could ... | |
How do you judge your system's neutrality? IMHO, a systems resolution, i.e. its ability to resolve and present all of the information in the recording in a balanced manner, linear if you will, combined with an overall tone that pleases you is all that counts.There is no recorded performanc... | |
High Current SS amps with input impedance = 200K Tvad, I'm sure I could hear the difference. That part would be a walk in the park. But I'm not so sure that I could connect the difference to the difference in impedence values as opposed to the amps design or how it interfaces with the speakers. ... | |
Turntable in cabinet Rick, what a great solution! Love it. I wish I had a cabinet big enuf to try that. :-)Riley804, FWIW, I'm not convinced that you have really isolated floor borne vibrations, or air born vibrations for that matter, by using metals and woods in any ... | |
High Current SS amps with input impedance = 200K Tvad, Note I said no difference at 20K or above, but I did add the words 'unlikely' and 'meaningful' to the reference to 10K. To me at least it probably wouldn't be 'meaningful'. I draw this assumption from my personal experience using ARC stuff a... | |
Tubes for Modulus 3A Like it or not you have to use rugged tubes in the AI. Unfortunately most of these are threadbare Sovtek types, including 6h23's (which I use in my ARC SP10 because like the AI it also requires rugged tubes). You might try some EH6922's. They have... | |
High Current SS amps with input impedance = 200K Mapman, Bob may be 'right' as Tvad sez, but the ratio is way beyond any nominal ratio you see bantered around like 10 to 1 for example. In this case it would be very close to 80 to 1.Personally I'd tend to trust ARC when it sez a 20K imput impeden... | |
High Current SS amps with input impedance = 200K FWIW I find it hard to believe that an ARC pre amp has an output impedence of 20K. 260 perhaps, with a recommendation from ARC that the amp have an input impedence of 20K.Just a WAG - I didn't bother to research it, I'll leave that up to you. :-) | |
Tubes for Raysonic CD 168 To avoid the expense of the excellent NOS stuff try some new production JJ's or better yet, if you can find them, some pre-war Tesla's. They are a lush tube - great tone. Only down side is they can be microphonic (but not in my 128). I also like E... | |
Sudenly silence Ralph, Are you saying that it doesn't happen? Or that it is just rare or unusual? All we might be talking about is our definition of what constitutes 'not unusual' v 'quite unusual'. If the latter then what I suggested remains a possibility, does ... | |
Sudenly silence Seems possible that your amp shut down when it detected some DC from your pre-amp. Can your amp do that? Not unusual situation when tube pre-amps are used to drive SS amps. | |
"Matisse" preamp - 12AX7 12AT7 An easy and inexpensive way is to put in a fixed value attenuator at the amp input. You can buy them or have a techie do it for you. Cheap commercial ones are made by Rothwell. I believe you can get different values. Cost about $60. They are fairl... | |
Room and Placement for Revel Studios Good point Shadorne, I never thought about the possibility that the OP would sit in that area. I agree with your suggestions if he can't sit within the 14x20 ft area. I would equally recommend that he not put his speakers in the area you thought h... | |
Room and Placement for Revel Studios In response to your last paragraph, I don't think there is any advantage, in fact I would suspect the opposite. One thing to consider, given the width of your room, is to try setting up your speakers on the long wall - that should pretty much take... | |
Are DAC prices reflecting sound quality? I agree with much of what Tpreaves sez.Whether newer digital devises have 'improved', say since 2004, is probably less important than whether any subtle changes aka improvements will be sufficient to be heard on your system in your room and whethe... |