
Responses from ncarv

Electrician's advice wanted: safely lifting ground
Outsiders do not appreciate the dangers audiophiles routinely embrace . . . all for the love of music . . . Courage! 
How do you determine absorbtion panel placement
Ribbon and electrostatic speakers do have different dispersion patterns from dynamic speakers.Typically, sitting in the sweet spot, move a door mirror (Home Depot or Bed, Bath for a few dollars) along the sidewalls or ceiling. When you see the spe... 
Stairway to heaven
William Shatner 
Long time music lover looking for new music.
If you like rock, you should try Alejandro Escovedo. His recent recording "Real Animal" is excellent. Title song is about Iggy Pop. I love his "A Man Under The Influence." I've seen him twice live . . . kick-ass R'n'R! 
speaker cable tie-downs in room?
I bought some white plastic channels at Home Depot. 
Overseas Pay Pal, your experiences.
Haven't had any problems with PayPal from Britain, Italy, Columbia, or China, but I think PayPal fees to Canada were 4%, and be careful of Canadian provincial taxes charged back to you after stuff is delivered. 
Shunyata Hydra Vibration Isolation ???
I use Symposium Roller Blocks and there is a noticeable difference. 
Do you have tin ears?
Lucky you! 
Quest to achieve live sound
Hire a band. 
New LP12, I like some things and some I don't.
Have you tried it without the bottom cover off? Many people find the sound to be more satisfying with the bottom open. 
Other than music, why are you an audiophile?
Because the music sounds better. 
Favorites Alone In Quiet Darkness
My fave is one hot babe . . . 
returning vinyl for warpage?
Absolutely return it. This is something record stores have always had to deal with, even when vinyl was the only medium available. 
Replace CD jewel boxes with archival sleeves?
My plan is to get rid of my CD's, get a Mac Mini, load all my CD's on it, and run the Mac through my DAC. 
Paradigm Mini Monitors v.5
I recently compared similar level Paradigms to B&W. No contest -- Paradigm.