
Responses from ncarv

Custom sized speaker stand recommendations.
Highly recommend Sound Anchors. Bob is an audiophile and great guy to deal with. I had unusual design need for custom amp stands and they came out perfect. I also use his custom stand for my center channel speaker. Check out the website. He will m... 
Tweaks I'd like to see . . .
An audiophile woman . . . she tweaks you just at the right time. 
Current Inexpensive sub that can get it done cheap
Kgturner is right. Having said that . . . Hsu Research. 
Great songs and artists who virtually own them?
Agree with Timrhu. After Dylan heard Hendrix, he adapted some of the style.Phaelon, I think that's Audiofeil point . . . you just know! 
How to listen to the good stuff?
There is no perfect answer.This is the benefit of audiogon. Admittedly a tedious and frustrating task, there is no one "best" answer.I went through many changes, buyin', tryin', & cryin' all the way.Audiogon does afford the ability to buy stuf... 
Did you hear that ALBUM?
I think the reference to "album" derives from when several 78 rpm records, which were not LP (Long Playing) and could not contain a full recording on two sides, were placed in an actual album, a book of sleeves each containing one disc. It looked ... 
Music of th last 30 years
Very funny! Hard to believe someone took the time to do that! 
Decent Earbuds on the Cheap
The Sennheiser MX65 is pretty decent. It has an extra "plug" that goes into the notch above the ear canal that keeps it tight in your ear. No falling out and a better seal. $50. 
Jimmy Thackery And The Drivers LIVE
Ya' know, I had forgotten about that one, but you bring back the memory (it's been a while!). They were practically spittin' it out! 
Jimmy Thackery And The Drivers LIVE
Yeah, Tpreaves. Thackery & Benoit together was a GREAT show. Saw them in a small club. They complement each other real well. 
Looking for warm sounding speakers
There's a pair of Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus listed here, apparently in excellent shape, at your price point. 
Looking for warm sounding speakers
Definitely check out Sonus Faber. One of the sweetest, warmest speakers out there. Wonderful midrange, very smooth on the top end. There are quite a few pairs and models for sale here on audiogon in your price range. I don't think the ADS will com... 
What am I missing? Americana?
Steve EarleLucinda WilliamsSon Volt 
Room treatment...what is the goal?
Good advice, Stanwal! You're exactly right.I've had the same experience with various changes to my system, but especially with room treatment. What previously seemed like "sparkle" or "detail" turned out to be "hash."Nemesis -- listen for a while,... 
Classics you can't have too many recordings of
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique