
Responses from ncarv

NAD M5 no sound from Digital Coax out SACD
SACD won't play through digital hook-up or DAC. Use a pair of analog interconnects from the M5 directly to an input on your pre. 
late april release for steve earle's new cd
Steve Earle is one of the best out there. I've seen him a few times, solo and with a band, and have most of his CD's and a couple of LP's. The new one is scheduled for 4/26. Can't get enough.Nightline has done a couple of shows about him. 
Help with used records.
There's a product called "Goo Gone," which I've bought at Bed, Bath, & Beyond, that I've used for this purpose and works well. I think it's similar to "Goof Off," which works, but is much stronger and really smells awful. I'd try the "Goo Gone... 
Rhapsody dropouts on SqueezeBox
I've had the problem occasionally. I assume it's my internet carrier, since I also have a problem sometimes going from site to site on the internet when it times out. In fact, it's more of a problem on the internet since, I believe, the Squeezebox... 
Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???
I tried solid state again several years ago, but missed the tubes and stayed with them. Ultimately, it's personal taste. There are diehards (and forum threads!) with opposing opinions. 
Tube CD Player Problem - Any advice?
Check for a blown fuse. That is the most likely problem. It's probably not the tubes, as it is highly unlikely that they would all go bad sitting around for years. I can't offer anything beyond that. I'm sure there are others with more expertise w... 
Woofer sucking in and out
You may need a subsonic filter. Read this:Subsonic Filter 
lowering gain in a tubed pre-amp
You're listening experience, and obviously great ears, is correct regarding the volume control position.You could try an in-line attenuator, but, be careful:Rothwell attenuators 
Stereophile vs. Sports Illustrated
Jeez, Viridian, was it necessary to give us away like that? 
A tale of WAF
When a woman I dated first walked in my house and had to walk around a speaker positioned near the front door, her comment was, "Obviously no woman lives here."Another woman, seeing the speakers, equipment, and acoustic panels on stands, asked, "D... 
Suggest new bands to listen to
Just discovered:The Broken Family BandShe Keeps BeesMike Younger 
At what volume do you typically listen?
Ditto Buff 
Quality In Wall Speakers
I recently heard the Wisdom speakers at Sound Components in Miami. They are pricey, but I can't imagine anything compares. 
Who are these crazy people?
Thank you, Djohnson54! 
Playing Ripped CD's
Shuffle just plays the songs out of order. You've got to first get them all playing together.I assume you're using iTunes. Select all the songs together, then hit play. So, either hold down the Shift key, click the first and last song of the album...