

Responses from nandric

Getting The Most Out Of A Koetsu Urushi
Dear Lew, By way of introduction my thesis is that people don'tthink different but use different premises  from which they deducedifferent conclusions. Both my phono-pres (Basis Exclusive and Klyne) have  4 amplification stages and both recommend ... 
Getting The Most Out Of A Koetsu Urushi
Well I can't use an 9'' arm on my SP 10 while my Kuzma is provided with ''the better Breuer'' (aka Sumiko 800) .I  ever started as tonearmscollector but moved to cart collector as participant in the MM thread.From my former obsession I still remem... 
Getting The Most Out Of A Koetsu Urushi
Dear Lew, I read each day something or other so asking me (at my age)where I have read this or that is easy to ask but difficult to answer. Iassume that the answer like ''somewhere'' will no do? Anyway all Urushi'shave wooden body but different pa... 
Getting The Most Out Of A Koetsu Urushi
I am not familiar with your phono-pres but well with Lustre 801,           Sp 10,mk 2 (aka SL 1000,mk2) and Urushi Blue Sky. The most         phono-cables from Japan are (probably) from the same supplier         because they look  like twins. Your... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
AT probably produced its own cantilevers/styli combo's in the  past     but at present all manufacturer get styli from their supplier. So             like the retippers they can ''chose'' what is available . The mentioned  ''short supply''' of the... 
Transfiguration Proteus: questions and comparisons
Well the case is that in our forum the strongest argument possible      is  quoting J. Carr. Alas the intended (argument) force will not work if the quote is false or, much less painful, not 100% correct. I ''of course'' meant low inductance MC ca... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
Dear chakster. Lpgear stylus is not the same as AT 160 ML.               AT 160 ml has gold plated beryllium cantilever. In order to compare styli holders their inside-- is more interesting than their front side.        One can then see the kind o... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
I can't remember when I used any MM cart for the last time while trusting my memory at my age is asking for trouble. So I checked some of hose that I still own. AT 160 ML, AT 155 CL and SignetTK 7 LCa. All of them have rectangular coupling and all... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
AT used two kinds of stylus holder coupling with the body in naivehope to prevent styli. switching: round and rectangular. But they''forget'' to change stylus construction. On the inside of each stylusholder one can see a small hole with (painted)... 
Transfiguration Proteus: questions and comparisons
Hi Luiz, ''loading'' depends from the adviser. According to myBasis Exclusive 10 x cart impedance. According to my Klyne7PX3.5;  47 K while according to J. Carr ''loading'' is an myth.Allaerts advice is dependant from the phono-pre he uses.I use D... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
ateal, the reason is that I own AT 160 while I am not familiarwith AT 150. Because the cantilever/stylus combo can be removedfrom its ''stylus holder'' and put in the other stylus holder thereis no fitting problem. All AT styli have the same const... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
I am really stunned by advices Raul and chakster dear to give. Both have no idea how AT styli are constructed. More in particular they have no idea about tension wire inside the tube behind the cantilever, The only possible way to put a new cantil... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
Whoever disagree with (market) prices assumes some other ''concept '' or theory of value. Say , one assume some ''real value'' different from the (market) prices. As I try to explain with classical economist who distinguished between 'value in use... 
Transfiguration Proteus: questions and comparisons
The same ''problem'' but different answer: Allaerts MC 2. 
who knows ZYX retipping or refurbish ?
The ''old economist'' wrote about production and distribution of            wealth among (social) classes. This distribution in our case isbetween manufacturer,  importers and dealers. If I am well     informed each get about 30% .So if chakster i...