Responses from nandric
Is a SUT needed? Curious? The tube lovers change the question about ''superiority''into ''tube kinds''. So, obviously, there are mediocre , better andsuperior kinds. Which is which is , alas, not clear. | |
Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used @strongarm, I own Ikeda 345 the best of his tonearms according to Ikeda (see J. Carr post baout Ikeda arms). I also own Ikeda 9TTwhich together form an nice combo. But my FR-64 S and AllaertsMC 2 are in different league. | |
Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used Allaerts MC 2 finish gold or MC 2 formula 1. The best technicalspecs ever. | |
breuer 5c tonearm My Gosh, the most carts in the MM thread are from 70is & 80is.In this context 2009 is more recent and more ''modern time''. | |
breuer 5c tonearm According to me Albert (Porter) is the best source for any questionsabout Breuer himself as well his tonearms. Albert was importer forthe USA as well personal friend of Breuer. Back than I could notafford ''whatever Breuer'' but well the so called... | |
Oh no, there's metal in your records! There are all kinds of particles neither of them should bein the groove nor on the stylus. | |
Turntable sounds so much better when... If whatever experiment can't be repeated by others with the sameresult than such experiment should be counted as worthless. | |
Is a SUT needed? Well if your phono-pre is not adequate and you want to keep yourLOMC then either an SUT or some other phono-pre with sufficientamplification can solve your problem. ''either or'' does not allow some third possibility (grin). | |
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations I at last got my DL-S1. Designed specific for their very successfulAU-S1 SUT. Matching impedance between both is one thingbut how should one match the inductance of both when thisvalue is never mentioned by technical specs? Well we canassume that ... | |
Oh no, there's metal in your records! One can see those ''black small particles'' around the stylus andcantilever by nearly all carts. The magnets in (MC) carts certainlyattract them. The only advantage of this fact is that one willknow this way that such cart is not new (grin). | |
Kiseki, Supex on a present day tone arm? @genghis6400 , ''Durob audio'' is an HIFI shop in Holland also owned by Van den Dungen ( . I assume that Van den Dungen ordered ''his'' Kiseki gold arm as match for his Kiseki Blue series cartridges. Interesting to see that you ask... | |
Turntable sounds so much better when... The biggest frustration by inventors is the case when theirexperiments by which something new is discovered can't bereproduced by others with the same result. However this is orshould be the usual practice. One can of course complain byhis mom who... | |
Turntable sounds so much better when... Addition, Skeptic A: '' one thing is for sure my friend ;nothing is for sure ''.Skeptic B: ''Are you sure about that?'' | |
Turntable sounds so much better when... There is no such thing as ''certainty'' in our hobby so the most ofus are gullible. That is to say we believe that ''something else'' isbetter than what we already own . This explains the presentprices of the MC carts (among other prices). | |
Turntable sounds so much better when... There are two kinds of dogma's. The religious kind and scientifickind. The later are ''caused'' by Kant with his ''absolute truth''.However according to Popper all theories are refutable. In ourcase there are two ''concepts'' which are questioned:... |