

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear chakster, Even defective styli can be used to learn. If you cut the tension wire at the end of the stylus tube and losen 3small srews you can get the whole ''generator'' out.  That is tosay cantilever, magnet , the rubber ring and tension wir... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
The (gold plated) hollow pipe boron cantilever no retipper can offer. I sold my AT 170 and 180 but still own 160. I am not surebut think that 160 has the same cantilever/stylus combo as 170and 180? Perhaps  an second hand AT 160 is an better optio... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Digital signal (numerical values) can only approximate analogsignal ( ''endless'' values) so it logicaly follow that digital can'tsurpass analog. Anlog weakness is ''mechanical'' digital weaknessis theoretical and practical.  
Linn Sondek question
varyat, ''if you like what it does, it will be your last TT''.In the thread ''What's been your turntable ownership over theyears...'' there is just one such person. The rest either ''movedon'' or never owned LP-12.  
Linn Sondek question
Cirkus bearing major step up? Was something wrong with theold bearing?  
How to choose a cartridge you can't hear on your system?
Syntax is probably not Jesus but certainly the nearest personpossible:  the pope for the analog believers. His best friend Dertonarm  left alas the forum otherwise Syntax would be (only)the cardinal.BTW I seem to be the only one who post all his s... 
How to choose a cartridge you can't hear on your system?
Dear chakster, Congratulations! Getting an compliment form Syntaxis as rare as the snow in Sahara. 
Linn Sondek question
daveyf, ''nandric , you have not heard a well set up Klimax level LP 12. Twenty + years ago, etc''. Ergo the LP 12 from 20 years agois not an LP 12? Those are however still ''going strong'' withthe same platter which is the ''heart'' of their cons... 
Linn Sondek question
daveyif, first of all I owned LP 12 in the time when ''it'' wasregarded as ''the best ever''. You may be right with your guessabout  ''twenty plus years ago'' but I am right regarding leakingbearing . Then you should know that my English theacher ... 
Linn Sondek question
Change all those II WW screws from the first industrialisation time.Buy if you can NAIM ARO tonearm or their own and balance the3 springs together with the arm. Thorens prescribed a certaindistnce between the platter and ''base'' which was much mo... 
How to choose a cartridge you can't hear on your system?
What my brother chakster forget to mention is that thanks to thisMM thread chosing carts was a kind of luxury. Because we werethe first to know we were able to sell the carts which we deednot want to keep for more than we paid for. Experimentation... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear frogman, I learned much from logician since Frege. Hefirst exlained that the simple grammar of the ''S is P'' formcontains 4 different logical forms. Consider for our contex thequantifier ''all'' in the ''S'' place. The most people see this '... 
I have joined in the ZYX Family
Dear chakster, I see you as my ''young Slavic brohter''. Also asa younger forum member. I own, as I stated, this TRX 2 with beryllium cantilever.  I also own TRX 2 with saphire cantilever(NOS). In the user manual of the beryllium kind beryllium is... 
I have joined in the ZYX Family
Dear chakster, ''my friend Nandric said million times...'' As anybodycan see Nandric wrote ''only''  2801 contributions in this forum(grin).I think that enthusiasm and exaggeration go hand in hand. But withyour ''encyclopedic'' knowledge of (carts... 
I have joined in the ZYX Family
Dear chakster,1. premise : all exotic cantilevers are brittle (boron,saphire andberyllium). Because of this property  they will shatter if onewould try to pressure fit a stylus in them.2. premise : the advantage of aluminum as cantilever material ...