Responses from nandric
Kiseki, Supex on a present day tone arm? @genghis6400 , Congratulation; Kiseki Gold spot is the latest and the best Kiseki. Recognizable on the 5 screw threads on bothsides and gold spot on its front side. The ''modern stock'' is a fake Gold spot. Actually the Blue which was the first v... | |
Kiseki, Supex on a present day tone arm? @genghis6400 If you can afford either Kiseki Silver Spot orGold Spot (+/- $ 1300) those are the obvious choices for theKiseki ''Gold'' tonearm. The Gold spot is the latest version ofthe Kiseki carts. | |
Kiseki, Supex on a present day tone arm? @genghis6400 I can help with Kiseki Gold Spot but, alas, notwith Kiseki tonearm. What I know is that the arm is made inJapan and, if Van den Dungen deed not invent this story, the(silver) wiring is from Kondo san. Kondo also made an SUT for Kisek... | |
Do I need a sut? @jmcgrogan2 , the best SUT for MC 2000 is T-2000 becausethis SUT is made for MC2000 and 2000,mk2. Choosing a SUTfor a cart is not easy. Not only impedance but also inductance matching is needed. However inductance is seldom mentionedby technical s... | |
Age old discussion I know but MM or MC? Benefits? Dear chakster, Your question is, among other, ''am I rationalwith this hobby?'' I asked myself the same question but becauseI am much older I asked this question long before you. Theanswer start with the ''old Greek''. Seneca was the first who st... | |
Age old discussion I know but MM or MC? Benefits? Implicit comparisons, ''better than '' imply comparison betweenat least two objects. In logical sense this comparison is the sameas ''longer than'' between people because it imply an ordering or sequence like a>b>c, etc. In Greece for exampl... | |
Age old discussion I know but MM or MC? Benefits? The pudding metaphor will not do. But pudding kinds well.I was pretty late with those FR-7 kinds which Dertonarmrecommended to me. But then I wanted them all. But bycomparing them the FR-7 was the first looser, then comeFR-7 f , then FR-702 . The ... | |
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model) @chakster , teasing your brother? If Lew , after comparing withhis Lenco, Denon, Kenwood and SP 10,mk3 need to confessthat 10 R is better, I will buy the ''thing'' and put in my SL1000Obsidian plinth. This way I will save, according to you, 10 K a... | |
Decision time - Garrard 301 vs EMT938 @cool_jeeves , You may have overlooked the thread startedby Thuchan with ''self explaining title'' : ''Why will no other TTbeat the EMT 927'' ( Nov.29-2017). You are nearly there withyour 928 (grin). | |
Lyra Etna SL vs. Transfiguration Proteus + Koetsu Urushi @attymmbb. 'I'am just doing the math'' (01-11-18). I thinksimple algebra will do. However there are 'unclear variables''.What does ''refurbishing'' or '' rebuild'' mean? While the stylus ''state'' causes the most wary the stylus exchangeis the le... | |
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations @fsmithjack , Our hobby is also about money so one need toknow something about the theory. Money means liquidity thatis the capability to buy whatever you want . By barter you have''the choice'' to get just one commodity in exchange for yourown. ... | |
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations My Gosh I provoked lyrical feelings by @fsmithjack so hewrote an poem in prose about our hobby. The characteristicof modesty and politeness is to ascribe a part of merit toothers. In my case this does not apply for my MC search andchoices. I deed... | |
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations @fsmithjack , i assume you selected all your components byyourself? If so why do you need our advice for the cart? Whatyou need is the opportunity to hear some also for your self.The carts are the most subjective parts in the whole chain soeach ad... | |
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations Well I don't believe that one can make music with cart alone.Those who always refer to the system as whole should alsoadvice about the adequate phono- pre and its price, then theright tonearm with its price, then the right TT with its price,then ... | |
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners What is obvious to me is the fact that all owners of the ET-2have such unbelievable memory. They can remember all theimprovements they made during all those years of trying. Dear frogman, I assume that you learned in China the crypticway to expres... |