

Responses from nandric

The Devil is in the Cartridge Setup (and a good phone pre)...
The American philosopher D. Davidson wrote an article withthe title ''What  metaphors mean''. The problem with Davidsonlike by his 'mentor' Wittgenstein is that they have no theory but whatone would call ''philosophical remarks''. Wittgenstein ''P... 
Fidelity Research cartridges
Dear ddriveman, I have read and reread your ''mini-shootout''many times. The reason is ''obvious''. It is very satisfying tosee confirmation of our own opinion or judgment. In addition theprice comparison between the winners made me feel as a very... 
'Diamond' cantilevers: a man's best friend?
As J. Carr explained the advantage of aluminum is that the styluscan be pressure fitted in. By all other materials the stylus must be glued in. The glue between the stylus and cantilever means lesserrigidity of the combination. From this follows t... 
Milky white deposit on cantilever/stylus of NOS Signet TK10ML, still in original box, etc.
I was convinced that my sample has beryllium cantilever. Byberyllium one can see something like ''peel off'' (by paint). I don'tbelieve beryllium oxidise. But my my check today I think that Lewis right because the cantilever looks like boron (aka ... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
I admire J. Carr as anybody else. There is no question abouthis competence regarding cartridges. But he knows what isavailable to him as, say, producer. This does not necessaryapply for the retippers. From my friend Axel Schurholz  I knowwhat is a... 
Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice
''It depends'' as we are used to say in general but in this caseit depends from the description which can be one way or the other.I would say ''disputes'' instead of ''banter''.  The other thing is that''valuation statement''  can't be true or fal... 
FR64 cartridge suggestions
My buddy Don mentioned to me that  ddriveman wrote an update to his ''mini-shootout'' . Don provided the reference but I was not able tofind this post. Well for such search one need to search in  the rightplace. I assumed ''of course'' that this u... 
FR64 cartridge suggestions
Dear Lew, I knew that you are sportsmanlike. I may be ableto post to you my Ikeda 9C,mk 2 to try. If the REX is better thatis. In about 10 days I will know. You get your best possiblescenario. First listening and testing than deciding.  
FR64 cartridge suggestions
One of our most eloquent member ddriveman wrote thisarticle under title ''MC cartridge mini-shootout: SPU,KOETSU,FR, IKEDA''. Together with three of his friends they comparedthe mentioned carts + SPU (Silver Meister, GM, GOLD GM,Royal GM) ; Ikeda ... 
FR64 cartridge suggestions
I think that thinking is not possible without some assumptions.But as logic ''prescribes'' if the assumptions are false thenall deduced statements irrespective of their ''logic'' will bealso false. As is, I assume, well known ''our Lew'' has alway... 
FR64 cartridge suggestions
Thanks to the fact that many, like Lew, have no idea about theFR cartridge's those  can be get for very modest price. I just got Ikeda 9 REX for $2000. On Jauce site. One of the best everFR-7fz I got for $1500. However one need to find them first.  
FR64 cartridge suggestions
My suggestion is to search for Ikeda 9 , the so called ''cantileverlesskinds''. To paraphrase the description of Sumiko 800 as ''betterBreuer '' I would say ''better Decca''. 
FR64 cartridge suggestions
My suggestion: search for Ikeda 9 series , the so called cantileverless kinds. To paraphrase the description of Sumiko800 ''the arm'' as ''better Breur'' I would say this Ikeda is ''betterDecca''.  
Theory about Fidelity Research MC & PMC Carts
My ''theory'' (aka ássumption'') is that Ikeda san deed not spendmuch  money for advertising. This explains  the lack of informationabout the most of his carts. Thanks to Dertonarm I learned aboutFR-7 series but needed to hear all of them in order... 
''histoire se repete'': ''the king is dead long live the king''.Chakster what kind of (state) function do you have in mind for your''buddy''?