

Responses from nandric

What about diamond cantilever/stylus combo
Hi slaws, I am not sure if in the 80is laser technology existed.Well of course diamond , say, polisher. There are many ''olddiamonds'' which we the mortal souls can't afford. The old richcould not show off with expensive cars or yachts but well wi... 
Nottingham Spacedeck vs Rega Planar 8 vs Technics SL1200G
Dear chakster, I hope the British Russian ''poison'' issue wasnot the reason to avoid mentioning some interesting  Britishtonearms in the same ''price category'':Zeta, Mission Mechanics, Alphason HR 100 and Syrinx Pu 3.  
What about diamond cantilever/stylus combo
While we all know that dead is unavoidable the grieve for thosewe love or admire is also unavoidable. We just lost Ikeda andnow (the younger) Mori san. In his Sony time he invented this8 form coil former as well  ''potting'' the inside of the cart... 
Best MM?
Those members who complain not to be able to find the cart they want  are only pretending. I wanted to help and offered mywhole MM collection (+ 40 samples) but nobody was really interested. If one is reluctant to buy from an co-member thenthey ob... 
Best MM?
I am clearing away my MM collection. Ask for the cart youwant.  
Headshell Connector Question
Well those 4 pin connectors at hifi city are better proposition thenthe Italian kind: $ 15 versus $44 . But looking at those ''miserable''cartridge clips I can only recommend Clearaudio clips : 44 eurofor 8. Those are  the best I know. What is the... 
Headshell Connector Question
@imhififan , It is not ''either or'' but both (aka conjunction). All my headshells have this ''movable 4 pin connector''  whichmake azimuth as well eff. length adjustment possible. So Idon't understand persons who buy expensive headshells without ... 
Headshell Connector Question
By headshells with fastening screw those 4 pin connectors havetwo functions. The azimuth can be adjusted as well the stylusdistance (aka ''effective length'') .  Because the sample providedby @imhififan has to short ''inside part'' of the 4 pin co... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
Am I so different? To me the the nightmare is when I see thesame cartridge for which I paid $2000 the next day offeredfor $1000.  
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
''To change VTA for every record would require to be a 'B type''.But except for some weird masochist this make no sense.The most records are 170g which means the same thickness.Our ''initial conditions'' were parallel position of the arm in relati... 
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
@ct0517 , I have passed many exams but never (dare) tosay: ''I am sorry Professor but I don't understand the question''.But you are not my Professor so I do dare to say this to you.  
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
''Slavic Riddle?'' One of them collect speakers , the other collectcartridges an the third collect  cartridges, tonearms andTT's (chakster). What they have in common is the same hobby.  
No right channel in new cartridge
While everyone seems to fear for the state of the stylus my worry is primary about coils. All second hand cartridges I check first with an (digital) Voltmeter. The danger for the coils apply toanalog Voltmeters. By connecting the connectors for R ... 
Retip for zyx
We assume that  the ''age limit'' of an MC stylus is, say, 1000-1500 hours. From this premise one can deduce that eitherretip or disposing of is the consequence. Selling in between onlymoves the problem to someone else. The dilemma than is eitherr... 
Victor X1 IIE question
The stylus holder by X-1 is different than for other JVC models.Jico SAS does not fit X-1 , well Z1 and Z4 and other (?). I ownX-1,mk 2;  Z-1S and Z-4S.