

Responses from nandric

Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
Dear Lew, See (google) ''FR 64 S Thomas Schick''. There arepictures illustrating rewiring of  the FR-64. One can also seethe spring for dynamic function and VTF adjustment.  
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
Dear Cleeds, Look at my previous post (12-10-2018).I mention there already dynamic function of the FR-64.There are hardly any perfectly flat records. That is whydynamic tonearms are invented. Static tonearms willreact different by ''crooked'' reco... 
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
Dear Lew, Each time you mention or suggest Newton I feeluneasy. Sometime I have difficulty to remember the name ofmy mom while you ''demand'' from me to remember physicsfrom my college of 60 years ago. So instead of ''your gravity argument'' I wil... 
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
Dear Lew, I don't agree with you assertion that B-60 will workas any other VTA adjuster.  The reason is dynamic functionof the FR-64. This means that both dynamic function as wellVTF adjustment are function of the same spring. I am notmechanical e... 
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
The question is ''what is the optimal B-60 adjustments and what are the variables''? The variables are the record thickness, thebodies and cantilevers (angle) dimensions and the length ofthe trench in the inside , moving part, of the construction.... 
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
My dear ''other Slavic brother''. B-60 is not an VTA but an  SRAadjuster. As I mentioned in my previous post those ''damn details'' are about fractions of one mm. No way you can do this with your''PITA  method''. You need to loose two screws and m... 
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
''Look in the mirror'' has, except  metaphorical also some othermeanings. We ''the Serbian warriors admire and love ourRussian brothers.  Anyone can see that I usually refer to ''our''chakster as my ''Slavic brother''.  However no single Serbian w... 
Can I really sell this cartridge?
Dear Lew, What you don't know is the fact that in Russia theystill teach Hegelian logic. Hegel wrote a book titled  ''science oflogic'' with more than 1000 pages. In this whole work there is notone single sentence relevant for the modern  logic.  
Retip for zyx
@gilles130 , As you can see in my post I don't believe that byZYX only the stylus can be retiped. Well the whole cantilever/stylus combo. There are only few producers of cantilevers andstyli in the world. From this follows that retipper as well as... 
Retip for zyx
Dear chakster, Comparing retips of MM carts with MC carts islike comparing apples with pears. By MC carts the cantilever/styluscombo is glued in the called ''joint pipe'' . Usually aluminum tube.The joint pipe can be also called the moving part of... 
Retip for zyx
Dear chakstr, As we usually say : ''it depends..''. In presentcase it depends from what you mean by ''No one can do thesame''? Identity relation is pretty complex. ''Relation'' implyat least two objects. But Wittgenstein stated:  '' for two object... 
Retip for zyx
This is an old thread so my post was based on experience withAxel Schurholz but without any experience with ZYX kinds.I now own ZYX Airy and, say, know what I am talking about.The cantilever/stylus construction by ZYX is different incomparison wit... 
Boron Cantilever and Ruby Cantilever, Why Ruby?
Dear chakster, ''You will not see as much amount of glue as you can see on re -tipped carts''. This remind me of my ''socialist upbringing''.Our secretary of foreign affair declared: ''In our socialistic countrythere are no homosexuals . But if th... 
Boron Cantilever and Ruby Cantilever, Why Ruby?
@hdm, Thanks for your (moral) support  and empathy.My ZYX has an curious history. I got this sample as presentfrom an friend. Alas the suspension was defective while Iwas skeptical about repair possibility because of the, uh,glued together plastic... 
Boron Cantilever and Ruby Cantilever, Why Ruby?
Dear Lew, As you (should) know I would be more interested inwhat Frege would say instead of Kant. But you may be moreimpressed with Kant's ''transcendental subjects''. As a blindperson can ''see'' on chakster picture his ZYX has an tube onthe cant...