

Responses from nandric

Nature of Koetsu carts
Their ''nature'' is their special soul.  
Running a LOMC in MM setting?
I also own Ikeda 9TT which is connected to Klyne 7PX 3.5 phonousing the MM input. MC input has ''only'' 58 dB amplification whichis not sufficient. So I use Denon AU-S1 SUT in addition. I am verysatisfy with the result.  
Fidelity Research cartridges
Dear chakster, There is a thread or post written by ddrivemanby the title ''mimi shout out....'' in which he describes comparisonbetween 5(?) MC carts done with 3 friends. In short (grin)you will be pleased with the outcome of ''your contender'' :... 
Koetsu Rosewood long body rebuild
We use expressions ''retip'', ''refurbishing'' and ''rebuild'' withoutany specification.  What usually needs repair are new stylus withor without new cantilever and damping. Nobody seems to repaircoils so if the coils are damaged a new generator w... 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
@bpoletti , If you don't understand the importance of (very)large books you can't understand Russian literature or Germanphilosophy (grin).  
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
Think in terms of ''cost of production''. Labor is one of them.This explains ''capitalist investment'' in China. In the timethat both Sovjet Union and China were ''socialist countries''there was no investment of either in the other country.  
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
As by cartridges one can say ''the construction is simple butthe execution is not''. I assume that balancing the platter is difficultas well the (needed) precision of bearings and axle. The added''problem'' is the choice of bearings: inverted or n... 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
The so called ''intellectual property'' seems to be accepted atpresent but the ''liberals'' were against because of privatisationof ''science''  which is considered to be ''common good''. The ''investment argument''  won so those rights are limite... 
Dynavector cartridges, old and new
Dear chakster, In your post (07-10-2018) you mentioned thatTominari made 60 samples of Nova 13 D for USA market. This may explain those ''astronomical'' prices which you hate.But you should know better because you should know howthe new rich in Ru... 
allearts cartridges and rebuilding
One should read Frege's comment on Wittgenstein Tractatusto grasp how ''great Wittgenstein'' is. But there is this enigma:the less people understand philosopher the greater theiradmiration. Hegel and Kant are some kind of ''national hero's''in Ger... 
allearts cartridges and rebuilding
I own Allaerts MC 2 (''gold finish) as well Miyabi ''standard''.Miyabi is an excelent cart but not in the same league . In myopinion more comparable with Ikeda' s FR 7 fz and Ikeda 9TT.As far as I know Miyabi is not anymore available so howthomash... 
Dynavector cartridges, old and new
I agree with Lew 's post from 06-30-20018 stating that ''exotic''parts do not guarantee ''Nirvana''. But I will try to first makeour ''implicit'' conceptual presuppositions clear and than elaborate.The first is the simple sentence form ''S is P''.... 
Dynavector cartridges, old and new
The most of us think that there must be technical ''reasons'' orcauses for cartridge different performance. But considering the fact that (MC) ''technology'' is the same the reason why should be movedto the designers/producers. To mention few: Ike... 
Dynavector cartridges, old and new
The ''revolutionary'' Art 1000 was already invented by JVC inthe 80is(?). The only difference was/is that JVC used on siliconprinted coils glued on the cantilever just behind the stylus. The (thin) wire from the  coils are glued ''upstream'' on th... 
Dynavector cartridges, old and new
The problem of ''wholes and parts'' is obviously where to putthe border line and prevent this way the inclusion of the wholeuniverse (grin). However why should extension of cartridge''subject'' include ''only'' the tonearm , TT and phono-pre?I, fo...