

Responses from nandric

Boron Cantilever and Ruby Cantilever, Why Ruby?
Dear Lew, I quoted Carr because I can remember what he stated.BTW I asked the question. Dertonarm also explained to me whyhe prefers aluminum cantilevers. Alas I forget his arguments andam reluctant to bother him because he is very busy at present... 
Boron Cantilever and Ruby Cantilever, Why Ruby?
In one of his contributions J. Carr explained advantages anddisadvantages of cantilevers materials. Aluminum (alloy) hasas advantage that the stylus can be pressure fitted instead ofglued. Exotic materials are all frail so the stylus must be glued... 
Trouble Decreasing Treble
''The increased treble'' is well known problem by MC carts. I ownKlyne 7 PX3.5 Phono amp with ''High Frequency Contour'' bywhich one can decrease HF by choice. The values between15 Khz till 40 Khz can be chosen while the needed switchesare marked ... 
FR64 cartridge suggestions
Solypsa, ''Those damn details'' (grin). My theory was that the(cut) thread on the screw was the ''guilty party'' but it is ''yourvery tip on the screw'' . Aka ''the nose'' on the screw. Consideringthe fact that only few complained about its dimens... 
FR64 cartridge suggestions
@rich121 & solypsa , Is Mr. Tien still in business? I thought he ended his B-60 adventure because of insufficient profit. The ''guidepin'' as solypsa called the thing is actually an ''old-fashioned screw''. I asked Tien to substitute his steel... 
Theory about Fidelity Research MC & PMC Carts
Well the relevance of ateal's question can be illustrated onthe following example. Those who followed Glanz thread know (?)that Glanz and Astatic ''series'' are produced by Mitachi companyin Japan. So my ''Wien''= ''Vienna'' become Astatic 200= Gl... 
Old vs. new
Are we the humans digital or binary? Our ''notional orientation''always has two sides: old-new; above-below'', ''inside-outside''etc. etc. Hegel the German philosopher talked about ''opposite terms'' and the ''opposite of the opposite'' till he go... 
Fidelity Research FR-64x
Dear chakster, You obviously got the original : 25 mm long and 250g. weight. Like by B-60 there are also replica weights. The original has an rubber ring inside and screw with plastic piece with a spring on its ''nose''. 
Fidelity Research FR-64x
Dear chakster, In my FR manual only the small FR-64S (170g)and heavy FR-64 fx (250g) are mentioned. I own, next to 170g,also 250 g weight for my FR-64S. The later is according to me the standard weight. I never needed heavier kind. But do usethe 1... 
Best MM?
Ergo: from my explanation how universal and numerical quantifierwork one can deduce that statement like ''Peter is the tallest guyin the class but Lew is even taller''  are not allowed. But itmay be the case that Mexican grammar allows such statem... 
Best MM?
I am sorry if I look pedantic but I want to clear some confusion.The confusion between quantifiers like ''all'' and ''some'' which weuse to express generality and numerical quantifiers like, say,there are exactly  30 carts in my collection. My exp... 
Fidelity Research cartridges
@edgewear, You changed my ''point'' about ''0'' points on therecord radius. I stated that nobody has claimed to have heardsomething special by those ''0'' points: ''so it seems that somepeople do hear something special when the ''0'' points are se... 
Vintage Turntables compared to modern?
The logical interpretation of the quantifier ''all'' and ''some'' willnot satisfy  anybody:1. All x Fx & Gx is not true if there is just one x which does    not satisfy conditions F and G.2. Some x are Fx & Gx is true if there is at least ... 
Fidelity Research cartridges
Dear edgewear, My question was why the most Japanese tonearmsproducer followed Stevenson geometry. As you probably know according to Japanese culture it is ''not done'' to deviate from , say, national customs. Then there is this curious FR-702 wit... 
Fidelity Research cartridges
Ikeda's tonearm geometry versus FR-7 series cartridges.Nobody ever explained why the most Japanese tonearmsfollowed  Stivenson geometry. As is well known(?) the FR 64/66 as well the new  Ikeda 's can be adjusted to Bearwaldby changing the spindle-...