

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear chakster, According to my information those Stereohedronstyli are produced by ''Expert stylus UK'' . Their own retip stylusis called ''Paratrace'' which I have in two of my carts. The priceis about 200 GBP. Their chief engineer  has, like Axe... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
If the assumptions (premises) are not true than the conclusionsalso can't be true.''Aluminum cantilever'' is mostly aluminum alloy cantilever. Usuallywith magnesium. Behind boron, sapphire , titanium or berylliumcantilevers by MC carts there is th... 
Seeking advice on several specific MC Step Up Transformers
The output by MC cartridges is measured with different test records and different ''speed'' so one can't  trust the''ássumed standard values''. By your EMT TDS 15  isthe output value according to the producer 0,21 mV whileaccording to ''usual meas... 
Tonearms with no anti-skate adjustment
I was very proud about myself when I got 90 microns ''pure'' frommy combo Sumiko 800 + Ortofon MC 30. But then I have readVan den Hul's warning not to use too much anti-skate needed forsuch values. Too much anti-skate was worse according to himthe... 
Best MM?
Dear chakster, I don't believe that you ever owned one ofthose ADC 25/26and 27. I just listened to my ADC 26 andam very much impressed. Never heard Portuguese guitarmore natural sounding before.  Speaking in your termsnever seen such low mass cant... 
Best MM?
Sorry chakster, One should not trust anyone. I like you verymuch but according to Raul I own the ''best ever'' ADC 26which is according to you not only ''cheap'' but also mediocre.It is , obviously, in my own interest to believe Raul more thanyou.... 
Best MM?
@chakster , Thanks ! As I stated before you ar the fastestlearning member of our forum. ''Our encyclopedia'' so  to speak.No need to search on Google (grin). Curious how our brainworks. Anyway my. I have no idea how my ADC 25 soundedbut well its p... 
Best MM?
Hums proudness of ownership is a myth. I knew that I ownStanton 981 ''somewhere'' . I own many boxes with partsbecause my mom learned me never to trouw away anything.The motto ''search  and you will find'' seems to work but onlysometime. I, alas, ... 
Audio Technica VM540ML v. N97xe Jico SAS
According to my comrade Don (griffiths) those (old) SAS styliare made by the ''old'' Mori san who designed Sony XLseries carts. I own SAS stylus for JVC Z-1 which improvesthe humble Z-1 to JVC-X1 ''status''.  
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
@schubert The British speaker producer Bowers&Wilkinsintroduced as first ''super tweeter'' . The general opinion thanwas that there is no sense to produce speakers with higherfrequency  than 14 Khz. Their super tweeter started by 14 Khz but co... 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
@schubert , Thanks!  I was wondering about those (very) old conductors also. Even more about my own sensitivity for the high frequencies because I hear nothing above 10Khz. BTW Kant's (aka German) ''moral philosophy'' was translated in Spanish and... 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
We hear with our ears but need to interpret what we hear withour whole brain. The ''classical'' nature- nurture question.One need only to listen to whatever Chinese opera to graspthe difference. Description of our ''inner ears'' will not do. Certa... 
Woot! Decca cartridge bargain
Hi noromance, ''Paratrace'' is, if I am right, the stylus shape madeby '' Expert stylus UK'' ? I thought that ''Expert stylus'' is ''only''cartridge repair service. But it looks as if ''Paratrace Gold'' isalso made by Expert stylus. Can you explai... 
Origin DC Motor in LP12: Marketing or reality?
There are many MODIFICATIONS by LP 12 which can'tbe called ''IMPROWEMENT''. Raul ever stated ''if an design isgood why so many modifications?'' My Kuzma Stabi Referencewas without any modification for years. My old LP 12 have had very simple capac... 
Beyond the sound of things, and into the soul of things.
Dear elisabeth, Your separation between ''true facts'' and''less than  true facts'' is as curious as properties without anybearer of the assumed properties. I mentioned truth aswell falsity  of statements, If one has an clear idea one caneasily fo...