

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
There are those who are satisfy with the 'second best'.Anyway in the context of the price difference. What about AT 150 MLX in comparison with AT 150 ANV?Something like Precept 220 versus 440? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Dgob, I hope you are in love? Otherwise I would have difficulty to grasp your second erratum: 'I lowered the VTF by around a milimetre...'. As far as I know the VTF is measured in grams. You obviously meant VTA but thought about her and got c... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Dgob, Is the 'branded cantilever' your own or Axel'sinvention? We may be wondering how it is possible for a cart to sound better after the retipping but we then may overlook the whole repair work. In my shorthand translationfrom Axel's video ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul, When we the 'ordinary people' make an ranking among our carts this means among 10 or so which we own. The 'best' in this context means the best of the 10. We can't compete with your + 100 carts. With this 'reduction of complexity' or si... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lew, What I meant with licencia poetica of the Mexicankind is: the 'combo' of lyrical feelings and wishful thinking. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear lew, No need to worry.This is called 'licencia poetica' but of the Mexican kind. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lew, As you can see from Professor's quotations yoursecond thought seems te be right: ''one man's crap is another man's ice cream''. BTW I was always sceptic about all those 'categorical meanings' by Kant.Regards, 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Professor, I always thought about Don Juan in conjunction with his gun.It is not the one or the other but both together like my Magic Diamond in conjunction with the FR-64S.With love from Holland, 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lew, Re 'the crap'. It is actually about valuation. The classical economist differentiated between 'use value' and 'exchange value'. The modern economist use only the exchange value (aka 'money') such that 'everything' has its price while thi... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul, In your search for perfection you may lose the connection with the reality. The most of us don't own the components we want but those that we can afford. I can't complain about my means but in comparison with, say, Thuchan I am a poor p... 
I want to try a different tonearm on my classic
I own the Triplanar VII as well as the Reed 2A (12'') but enjoy the old FR-64 s the most. As some Aussie stated the best buy arm in existance. That is to say a bargain. Thereis a myth about the eff. mass of this arm but 'it depends' from the used ... 
who can fix technics EPC-100c vintage cartridge
Vorarats, You can 'contact' Van den Hul only via Van den Hul dealers. Even I in Holland have no other way. But I don't see the reason why I should pay an intermediary whohas nothing to do with the actuall repair and only increases the costs of the... 
Mint LP Best Tractor---HELP
Tswisla, Mint protractors are made for specific TT /tonearm combo's. This means that they are not 'universal' or, to put it otherwise, not usable for other TT/tonearm combo's.That is because not only the tonearm geometry is accounted for but also ... 
Mint LP Best Tractor---HELP
Will_herrera, From the logic of your story one would expectFeickert recommendation. Your question :'Anyone want to buy a Mint LP protractor (yours)?' assumes some 'nitwit' among the members. 
has anyone had any problems w/ Jasmine phono LP2.0
Rockinrony, 'I could go on but I think I have made my point.' Really? 'Better parts' imply comparison between at least some of them. You should first try and compare, say, 10 different caps and than make your 'point'. Otherwise the 'point' must be...