

Responses from nandric

Has Jasmine come out with a new phono stage?
The primary reason for a new model is the new price. ButI must confess to be very curious about this 'ticker midfrequency'. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Acman 3, You 'touched' the obviously very sensitivematter: who can afford what? With 'obviously' I mean the fact that we never discussed the issue. I am very familiar with poverty and also with 'abundance' so I feelentitled to say somethig ab... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
The so called 'scarcity theory' make no sense to me in conjunction with 'demand /supply' theory. That is to say if there is demand there will be supply. So, probable, there are also 'exotic markets' like our 'exotic parts', etc. exotic things. 'Ex... 
Zero Antiskate vs Stylus Wear
To deny Newton looks to me ridiculous. The real problem is the different skate force depending from the record radius as well from the stylus shape. Those are also mechanical facts. The only tonearm I know of with variable anti skate provision and... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear In_shore, There is no way to check all the pages onebay. I visit 4 of them each day and of course need to trust the search engines but I always choose the most extended category. Then I write the name of the cart that I am interested in in th... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear comrade, I was obviously not plain. What I meant wasthat to save $ 200 ( the price for the 20 SS stylus) I am willing to believe that the 20 SLa stylus is from beryllium. As you should know self-deceit is the most common one. But my optimisti... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
In_shore, I nearly got a heart attack by your post. I just transferred the money for the AT 150 ANV before I read your post. Raul's warning that those are in short supply and Fleib's description 'bargain price' made me already nervous and eager fo... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
To me the cantilever by my AT 20 Sla looks like beryllium. Ie to 'dark' for aluminum kind. Is this wishful thinking, optical illusion or what? For $200 I have no objection to see this cantilever differently. 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Well,dear Lew, I am of course not serieus. I was however in my youht when I thought that the philosphers are the guys with ideas and even ideas about ideas. One need to start somewhere so the ideas of my first philosopher were such that I thought ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, I also noticed the 'resemblance' between thetwo; the ANV and the MLX. My further thoughts were inducedby their price difference so I posted my thoughts aboutthe 'second best' philosophy but Raul was without any mercyand posted a short ... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Dear Lew, There are huge differences among people regardingthe 'force'of their imagination. From your writings one candeduce that you can imagine every single component withoutany experience with the 'thing in casu'. Why then do you need so many T... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
As far as I know only in the former communist countriesthe Professors were thoroughly censored reg. their writingsbut never actually understud why is this not the case in the West. Those are dangerous humans and I see that at least in our communit... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Henry, You should, I think, also include Chris (Ct0517) in your gratitude. His Dyna XV-1S preceded yours in similar state and was a kind of exercise for Axel. I amalas not aware that Chris wrote a 'poem' for Axel.Regards, 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Dear Raul, The most frequent quote about Spinoza is: 'Omnis determinatio est negatio'. In this 'spirit' Popper arques : 'we should not defend our theories but try to refute them.' Henry is negating the existance of 'some phenomena' which are postu... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Dear Fleib, Your interpretation of what Henry stated is wrong. His first statement which is without question mark is about 'claiming the existance of phenomena withoutscientific proof...', etc. This is not the same as 'believing that Higgs particl...