

Responses from nandric

has anyone had any problems w/ Jasmine phono LP2.0
Hi Redglobe, I don't believe any producer will save on suchsmall value capacitors (1uF). But I am tempted to exchangethose thin copper wire to the connectors for the silverwire. Have enyone looked inside the pre? 
Miyabi Red Rose anyone heard ?
Dear Raul, You know that I trust your ears and not yourphilosophy. My first impression is that Magic Diamond istoo good for me to judge. I am an amateur in this hobby ,not musicaly educated with average hearing capability.Thiscart 'deserves' the s... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Chopin, Your cart was very difficult to repair so Axelneeded some time to think about some solution, put your cart aside and forget about. He will try to repair the cart(suspension) as soon as possible and post your cart to you. Thanks to you I... 
Miyabi Red Rose anyone heard ?
Dear Pani, Syntax is a kind of my mentor.So for questionsabout any cart whatever you should address him and foronly some carts me: Sony XL 88, 44l, Benz Ruby 3S, FR-7,Phase Tech P-3G, Miyabi Standard (aka Krell MC100), BenzLP S and Magic Diamond. ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Addendum, My first statement may need some illustration orexampel in order to 'enlighten' the difference mentioned.Two perfect English sentences can be contradictory so wehave then an logical problem, while perfect sentences imply no problem at al... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Dover, Logical and language errors are of different kind. According to me Lew's English is impeccable and even of high literary value. You are consequently wrong with your, uh, English remarcs. In this connection I need to summon an expert in... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Dover, I am not the right person to judge Lew'sEnglish but I always enjoy his English prose. In his 'Dostojevski time' he even hesitated between literature and medicine. But regarding his post about the Magic Diamond he had, according to me, ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Chopin, (any family connection?) Axel is a good friendof my so I will not comment on your implication but needto say that he hardly can manage all the work. Anyway Iwill write to him and ask about your Shelter. Regards, 
Miyabi Red Rose anyone heard ?
Hi Pani, If you post your Dyna XVIS to me I will be glad tocompare them. I never owned any Dyna whatever somehow quessing rightly the opinion of Syntax. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I was always suprised, even stunned, to hear so many manstating:'my wife is the most beautiful I have ever seen'.In my native country Serbia some may even claim:'my wifeis the richest I know off'. The case is that in Serbia theinstitution of dowry... 
Miyabi Red Rose anyone heard ?
Levinson actually discovered Takeda as a 'cart master' and this fact can be added to his other merits. Takeda made 3 'versions' for Levinson : MLC (?), Cello and Red Rose.The last two are obviously connected with Levinson's company names. To put i... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul, No cart is perfect and no person is perfect.What I like by you is your willingness to share , your devotion to our hobby, your (financial) sacrifice forthis searching adventure, your inquisitiveness and mostof all your ears. What I don'... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul, this Benz LP S and the Magic Diamond are themost expensive carts I ever bought. But I am very reluctant to test either. The reason? What if they sound mediocre? Should I then kill myself? No such dilemmas whatever by the MM carts. One c... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Storyboy&Raul, Both topline Astatic and Glanz haveexactly the same body. The model name is inprinted onthe stylus holder not on the body. This means that the styli are exchangable and carts easy to compare. I alas don't own the MF 100 but... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Dear Dover, I am involved because of my friend Chris who isalso a 1/4 compatriote of my. Sort of. His parents are fromMacedonia a former 1/2 'brother nation' of my but he is born in Canada and that explains the nummerical relationship. Nice guy bu...