

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dean man, Frege struggled his whole life against psychologism in logic ( back than 'the art of reasoning') and stated that everyone has his own pain while nobody canfeel the pain of one other. Wittgenstein reposted : than we can't talk about pain ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lew, Axel told me that he was (former) dealer for theB&O carts and 'cose'still has some parts in his stock. Butaccording to him those mounts are difficult to get and are expensive. As far as I know Peter Ledermann produce themand probable... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Acman 3, The designer/producer of this frightening linear 'Terminator' bought from me the Acutex 420 as well the 312. He was impressed with both. The 312 can still be get by the same Italian seller btw. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, From your use of the expression 'logical' it follows that you are totaly innocente of any logical knowledge. You probable never heard about quantificationlogic. This follows from your comment about smoking and cancer. I wrote that 'acc... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Some added arguments for Fleib. The medical science state:'smoking causes cancer'. I smoke for about 60 years and,lucky me, am still a healthy, thought an'older gentleman'.According to the logic of quntification my case refuted the above 'theory'(... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul, I trust your ear-brain combo, to use our usualvocabulary. That is why I bought the most of your recommended MM carts. Even the AT 150 ANV which btw surprised me with its compliance. With 2,2g VTF my specimen is not able to pass 60 micro... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib,'I have refuted those statements' or 'thosestatements are OBVIOUSLY fals' is not much of an argument.Imagine one ear medical specialist in China. If every single Chinese has different hearing capability there would be no way to state an... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, The thesis was :'we hear differently'. My thesis is the same as yours: 'the general way our ears function'. What I wanted to point out is that our valuationof music is 'nurture' not 'nature'(aka the mother nature give us the same heari... 
Benz Micro Wood SL - Repair or Replacement?
Axel Schurholz is your nearest address: schallplattennadeln.de . Ask for boron cantilever with line contact stylus. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, It is the other way round. What we call 'normal' is usually the case. Aka 'the majority'. What you call 'variation' other will call 'deviation' (from 'normal'). So what make me say 'that' is what is considered to be 'normal hearing cap... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Stiltrain, To be in accordance with what science already knows and what Zenblaster stated in short you should reformulate your statement as: the operation of our earsare the same by each of us but our brain interpretation of what we hear can be di... 
Has Jasmine come out with a new phono stage?
Hi Redglobe, Not being able to find Erse 'C' caps I checked(first) the Mundorfs. The 'silver/gold', 1 micro Farad for45 euro each. Probable because of the present gold prices (grin). I expected similar prices by Jantzen but was verysurprised. The ... 
Has Jasmine come out with a new phono stage?
Anybody try those Erse 'C' caps? I was ,alas, not able to find them anywhere. Pulse X and Pe X are available but not the 'C' kind. The addresse where those can be bought would be much appreciated. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Everybody knows what the phrase 'non speaking terms' means.The strange thing is that we all have the inclination tomediate, somehow convinced that this a good thing to do. Whenever I pick a fight with one of my 'beloved' sisters the 'mediation' of... 
Fidelity Research FR64 Black Limited Edition
I owned the FR-64 which was much lighter then 64 S. AsDertonarm already mentioned with a round lateral weight.I think that the arm-wand was made from aluminum whichshould explain the lesser mass as well the black color.It was a very good tracker. ...