

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Damned Lew I should know better. I realized what your comment will be but, alas, to late. I should say Mozart instead. May I still correct my (huge) error? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Henry, If your phrase 'adopting' means 'learning' or'education' then you mean the same what I meant with 'nurture'. In, uh, my former Yugoslavia there are 6 different folk- or traditional music kinds to which one need to add Romanian, Hongari... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Some support from one developing nation (Serbia) to theother (Australia).The Almighty:'But Raul I beg you this is really my chair!' 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thesis about 'nature' versus 'nurture' regarding our musicalpreferences: We all got 'the same' hearing capability fromthe mother nature all the rest is nurture. Those who aresceptical about my thesis should try whatever Chinese opera.Regards, 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Halcro& Frogman, Using metaphors to describe whateveris like pointing trough the fog at something. The addresse who has no idea what is pointed at get then blamed of being blind. There are much more car accidents by fog then otherwise. Sh... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
'The way we hear different?' Who would expect such kindof assumption from one of the most eloquent as well scientific orientate person in our forum? I myself hear with my ears. If the other hear in some other way with thehelp of some other organ I... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
To be precise: what a niggling correction. According toFrege the same tought can be expessed in different ways.Otherwise we would need to surpass computers in exactrepetition of the words sequence. I should not use quotation marks however. But for... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Comrade, You should know that when someone is in lovethe usual logic is not applicable. By our opposites btw never irrespective of the subject matter. I think that Raulbought to many carts lately which also imply mucho dinaroswhich on their t... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Dear Henry, Yes you deed and this is not called 'humour'but 'belittle' in literally sense. Humouros on the other hand was Lew's response. I wanted to make him a complimentbut made a typo: 'this Lew is a smart gay'. His answer was:'the rumour that ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Halcro 03-12-13: 'As my good friend Nikola announced...'.Nikola just bought the AT 150 ANV while he already owns theSignet 9CL + 9E. What kind of 'friend' are you? The Dutchhave this saying:'Save me my Lord from my friends I willdo this myself aga... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Dear Lew, Our 'teasing relationship' started with your beloved Mark Twain , the 'rumour' about his death and my slip of the tongue with guy versus gay . I then just started to write English. With Henry the case was different. I referred to his bel... 
Has Jasmine come out with a new phono stage?
The value of those capacitors 1 micro Farad so those Ersecapacitors are probable not expensive. I decided to trythem but also ordered by Mundorf 'silver/gold' wire tosubstitute the thin copper wire in the Jasmine LP 2. Notsure but my estimate is 4... 
Best Counterweight Position?
The correlation is contra-intuitive by the counterweight;the heavier the counterweight the lesser the (arm)mass because a heavier counterweight get nearer to the pivot.One can of course also reduce the arm-mass with lighter headshells (ususually d... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear comrade Fleib, I somehow missed the MSRP , MC cart.This also means that I spend more money for my Benz LP sas well for the Magic Diamond. A good comrade would warn meearlier (grin). If I remember well J. Carr referred to Ikeda san as the firs... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, Acman nearly caused coronary by me just after I bought the AT-50 ANV. Do you think that I would buy this cart without first reading 33 times Raul's comparison between Precept 440 CL AND AT-50 ANV? At my age however I can't trust my mem...