
Responses from mzkmxcv

Speaker suggestions
Only reference quality, full range tower under $4000 is the Philharmonic Phil 3. It is 88dB efficient from 30Hz up, same as your Polk’s.    The Sierra Tower (especially with the RAAL upgrade, making it ~$2800) is probably one of the 5 best towers ... 
MHDT or Border Patrol
Simplest way is to get a transparent DAC and boost the bass to your liking, so something like a MiniDSP 2x4HD or SHD/Studio. But the Border Pateol one is not bad. 
Best Power Cord For Video Projector
The one it came with. Unless you live next to a radio tower, the EMI rejection from some quad-shielded power cords will not benefit you (it also of course won’t make the picture better, reduce heat output, etc.) 
Does a DAc that Reclocks Remove Jitter from Sonos Connect
It depends which DAC you have, as their ability to reduce jitter is all different. However, the $80 Grace SDAC to the $100 Schiit Magni 3 to the $250 SMSIL SU8 to the $1800 Benchmark DAC3B all have no issues reducing jitter to well below audible l... 
The Border Patrol DAC - Maybe linearity in a DAC is bad ... Spitballing
The issue is that even poor measuring DACs still have barely audible distortion or whathaveyou, unless it’s a total garbage product. It also has been shown that ~10sec is the limit for when one can accurately compare the sound of one instance to ... 
Topping D50 DAC- Sound distortion
According to their warrenty, they do say the same thing, contact the seller first, if the seller is of no help, then contact Topping. 
Topping D50 DAC- Sound distortion
@thxbest   Who’d you buy it from? If Amazon, probably Shenzhen Audio. You could contact them, or just talk to Amazon. 
Are DAC's overpriced?
@jerrybj  The thread is about overpriced DACs, so when you look at the performance of say an SMSL SU-8, then yes, something like a Chord Dave, Vivaldi, etc. are overpriced from a pure performance standpoint.  
Are DAC's overpriced?
 @nonoise 16Bit has its noise floor limit at -96dB (it still can have audio embedded lower than that level). Almost all music is mastered to 0dBFS (clipping) is 105dBC, this your room must have a noise floor lower than 9dBC, even the most optimis... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
@nonoise   An increase in bit-depth only lowers the noise floor, that’s it. 
Topping D50 DAC- Sound distortion
Beat bet is simply to contact Topping. 
Are DAC's overpriced?
@elizabeth  Yes, there are many songs I like where the vocalist going from average singing levels to belting results in only a slightly increase in volume. 
Are DAC's overpriced?
@geoffkait In terms of music mastering (like the DR Database may score one song a 6 and one song a 12). This is the comparison of RMS vs peak levels (or some variant). In terms of digital audio as a format, it’s the amount of bits. CD is 16Bit, s... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
When the dynamic range is increased, it’s not just at the extremes where they are heard and appreciated. It’s across the board. You’ve gone from hiding behind your slide rule to openly using tactics that would work on the uninitiated or those who ... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
@brucenitroxpro Also remember most rooms don’t have more than ~60-70dB of dynamic range. So Steve, in another thread, saying that using his reclocker to go from 22psec (-120dBFS) to 7psec (-130dBFS) resulted in a difference he could hear, that al...