
Responses from mzkmxcv

Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@elizabeth I would like any possible explanation on how a power cord can extend treble response. Indeed, if it sounds better to you, go for it. Just keep in mind it’s all placebo. Here’s a recent news article on that even if knowing something i... 
Speaker suggestions
The Sierra towers with RAAL is probably my choice for towers below $5K if deep bass isn’t needed. Salk is great too, and better looking usually.  
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@mkgus I am indeed not talking about power supplies, which can make a difference. I’ve seen products that have power supplies restrict their performance as the amp modules were capabale of more wattage than the power supply could offer. And thus,... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@mrdecibel I’m not the one claiming power cables can alter soundstage width. I’ve seen measurements of some gear that benefits from a cleaner power supply, but even the wall power usually didn’t have high enough distortion to matter. But cases c... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@mrdecibel We are talking power cords here: 1) “increase in dynamic range”: I’m guessing you mean a lower noise floor, mains leakage causing harmonics of 60Hz (or 50Hz) can/does happen and can usually be fixed with a linear power supply. However,... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@radiomanjh What kind of difference did you hear? Bass pretty much has no timbre, that’s why matching your subs to the speakers pretty much doesn’t exist, and at 20Hz we can practically have 100% THD and it not be audible, and even 10% THD at 100... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@nonoise There are dozens of sites that measure gear, going from budget to the best there is, find me the measurements of any competent gear that has harmonic distortion every 60Hz (or 50Hz for most non-Americans). In fact, the only measurements ... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@mkgus Manufacturers have to build to certain price points Maybe if we are talking $100 power amps or $30 DACs. Any issue with power supply would show up in measurements done by various sites (again, unless you live literally next to a radio towe... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
1) Only poorly designed gear benefits from upgraded power supply cables or power source (power conditioner, etc.). If your product benefits from it, return it and get a better made one. 2) Unless you are doing a long run, EMI is not an issue unles... 
Stereo Speakers behind a perforated screen- How much loss in sound?
There will be some loss of upper treble, the amount of loss depends on the screen, but usually less than 1dB, just have the speakers as close to the screen as possible. 
Does streaming defy the laws of physics?
Jitter (slight timing errors resulting in a raised noise floor, think static or tape hiss) is the only thing that affects digital audio. However, that’s from source device to DAC. From the internet to your computer/phone/etc., data is sent in pack... 
Speaker suggestions
@sophie999  Most of the Salk’s are 88dB effienct, meaning 20W will make it 101dB, room gain will make it about 104dB (at 1 meter).  The Heresey’s are rated with corner-loading, meaning instead of 99dB they actually are 93dB efficient, a decent amo... 
The Border Patrol DAC - Maybe linearity in a DAC is bad ... Spitballing
@douglas_schroeder It’s not that it’s literally removed, but rather that the resolution of one is superior, allowing to hear deeper and wider into the soundstage, thus capturing the extremely minute character of the reflections off the walls of t... 
Recommendation for DAC needed.
@jeenam   Without measurements, you can’t take his statements as truth. I think I did find that Spotify too is not bit-perfect through casting, which is a shame. I have no clue why Google cant get this right, but I know as a fact that using Roon o... 
Need speaker suggestion for a larger room!
If you can wait as they are made to order, Salk makes awesome speakers and in whatever finish you want (super custom costs extra). All of these are efficient models (keep in mind pricing is before shipping): Song3-A Veracity HT2 Veracity ST Silk ...