
Responses from myraj

That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??
But when it builds to an uncontrollable SCREAM....well, it just doesn't get ANY better than that! Unless it happens over and over again!Good listening! 
which 300b tube sounds the best?
TJ's but get the ones with the white ceramic base. There is a noticble difference over the black base ones.Good Listening. 
balanced connection player
Thule has a couple of CD players that are balanced.Good value. You can pick one up for around $600 used here when available. 
Need Inexpensive Crossover
Get a used Paradigm X-30 Crossover. It'll do exactly what you want to do. I've had one before and speak from personal experience. New is $175 and used runs $100-$125.Good luck! 
Interconnect downstream flow
Your bias is correctomundo! The best should be on the source.Happy Listening! 
Projector Dilemma...Need suggestions
Suggest you check out the other brands with 3-chip DLP too. There are about 4 different ones available, not including the Runco model.They'd most likely be at even performance with the Runco, for less money.Good Luck! 
Where to use plants as diffusors?
Being only "a couple of feet tall" they might not do much, but suggest putting them in the corners. Good listening! 
Why so much????
It's AMERICA and you get to do exactly what you WANT to do! 
Sound Proof???
Somewhere at this very moment.....all across America! There are probably at LEAST 25... or maybe even twenty-SEVEN audio enthusiasts out there....slashing tires!!! keying Cars!!!Pissin' in GASTANKS!!!!!! 
What concert or music DVD's are worth having?
Blue Men GroupYanni Live at the Accropolis 
Can component video send 720p or only dvi/hdmi?
Suggest you check and see if the PLAYER passes 720p through the component outs. It MAY not be designed or capable of doing that. I've got the Samsung 841 and I'm "pretty sure" (would take a bet for a beer from anyone!) it only passes the higher re... 
It's 2050. I'm 84 years old...
She'll end up wanting to get to the root of things and end up wanting to visit Graceland! Go ahead and tell her now about the Jungle Room! 
What songs do you never get tired of?
Inna-Godda-Da-Vita by the Iron Butterfly is the default tune that pops into my head on almost a daily basis.Someone PLEASE tell me what to do to make it STOP!!!Can you hear that beat? (dunt, dunt, dah-dah)Oh YOU'RE humming it and I'm N... 
Thanks to those who posted and advised...
Hi Nerd,Suggest you eliminate the transport, DAC, and the Digital Cable connecting them, and get a modified Sony 999es or 9000es. Check out the forums here and you'll see that several people have done the same because of the increased performance ... 
So YOU can't hear a difference in cables
Zilla,Not to get off the track of this thread, but Reubent is correct...your 333es IS shrill on regular CDs. I've had the unit in stock form, AND in modifed form also, and I promise, it IS shrill as a stock unit, especially on redbook.Good luck an...