
Responses from myraj

What sub woofer to for this system & room?????????
Suggest you get at least a 12" or you won't be really "Woofin'" 
Help Where to start with jazz?????
Bob James - "Grand Canyon Piano"Buy it and give me a report back if that is your style? 
Best SUB that blends into Music not Home Theater
Also Check out the Vandersteen subs. I don't remember which, but one is known to be excellent with music and the other with HT. Good luck. 
Help with Philips 963sa upsampling?
Hey....thanks everybody for your comments and also to those that eMailed me back. The problem was that it's a DEFECTIVE player. I bought a 2nd one for a friend, so I opened that puppy and it played and upsampled fine!Thanks again for your help and... 
DVD recomendation
Check out the Samsung with the DVI output at BestBuy. Around $250. It "upsamples" to 1080i.Happy L@@king.....and Listening! 
Your opinion on cable spending
Uppermidfi, ya couldn't here anythang caus'in ya weren't holdin' ya jaw right, boy! It works that way wif fishin', sumtime 2! Gud Listenin' 
Best red book/SACD player under 1K stock or mod ?
Get a moded 333es. I saw one for sale here and it may still be available. Good listening! 
avantgarde loudspeakers
Wstritt,No....the Avantgarde were the KEEPERS! And the women....well, kept them all at least as friends, and that is as excellent thing, in addition to the good sounds of the Duos! Happy Listening! 
avantgarde loudspeakers
Dazzdax,In addition to be incredibly musical, and wonderful loudspeakers, I've actually had WOMEN, that nixxed other large speakers being in my main living area, go WOAH!!! ....those are BEAUTIFUL! Tis TRUE! Never had ANYone that saw them "in pers... 
Turntable To PC Audio Connection To Make CD's
Me Thinks you are gonna have to have a receiver with a phono-input. Believe that to be your problem. The phono-input will correctly pre-amplify the signal to the level you need it to be at the Tape-out. The volume control does NOT affect the signa... 
what is best audio connection for dvd to receiver?
P.s. In COMPLETE agreement with your last statement regarding Coax!Happy Listening! 
what is best audio connection for dvd to receiver?
Sugarbrie,I don't mean to contradict you sir, but I think your 2nd statement regarding "regular music CD's" is not completely correct. Most (all that I know of) receivers (and pre-amp/processors) will play a regular CD through the digital outputs.... 
Best sounding player under $3500 Used ?
Also the Resolution Audio Opus. 
Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K
Avantgarde Duos and Trios! 
Rhapsody in Blue - Which one?
Eimir Deadato's version from the 70's was pretty interesting.