
Responses from myraj

Dedicated Lines and Wall Boxes
Aragon 8008 bb vs. Krell KSA-150
I've owned both. I recommend that for about the same money (+$100-200), you take a step up from both of those, and try a BAT vk200.Good luck. 
Philips 963 SA -transport
I don't know of a better value available. You should be well pleased for the money you'll be spending.Good listening. 
Review: Aragon 8008 BB Amplifier
Your next step-up would be a BAT vk-200. Good listening. 
Remove them. 
Dared MP-7 Problem
Sounds like something with the Abbys, as I've played many different speakers with my Dared. Good luck! 
Looking for information about Dahlquist CA-1W1
I've had those and they are excellent performers. The easiest thing to do is to just get another single CA1 and use it for the center channel.Alternatively, if you could find a pair of CA2's, go for those (you'll be pleased!) and then use one of y... 
Does your music sound better in a dark room?
It's a "dark" matter thang. 
10k 300B single ended amp, what should I choose?
I 2nd Hermans recommendation of Jeffery. AND he's a great guy too! Good Listening! 
Did I make a mistake buying Krell?
With the sensitivity being what it is on both pair of speakers, I suggest you try an integrated 300b amp. (Disclosure: I have ONE of the FOUR that I own for sale, but NOT trying to sell it here)I used several 300B amps with the KLF20's that I had,... 
If it's snowing, I'm going
My best year (01) is 44 days, all in CO between Keystone and Vail. Missed last year completely and have been in BAD withdrawal since August. (It usually hits while laying around the pool!) Can't wait!YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!... 
Placette RVC vs. Adcom GFP-750 in passive mode
Thanks for everyones comments!Happy Listening! John 
What cables would sound best with my system??
Try some of the silver cables from Stealth that are in your price range. I've found them to be excellent performers and value too. Good Listening! 
Placette RVC vs. Adcom GFP-750 in passive mode
George,IMHO - the passive mode on the Adcom IS better than the active mode. It allows more detail, without coloration, to come through.Hey....still looking for folks that can COMPARE the two units operating in passive. Somebody make me a really go... 
Everyone whose Merlins...