
Responses from myraj

What Was Thrown Off the Tallahatchie Bridge?
Yo Momma....oops! That was from a TRAIN! 
filthy pigs
I had a dead dung-beetle in........oh, just kidding! But I bet there are gonna be some entertaining comments in this thread! 
Recommendations on Integrated Amps
Check out the DK Designs MKII. Several available here and have seen some as low as $1500. Good luck! 
The effect of the Expanding Universe on turntables
I bought this home-study course on TV about 20 years ago, on how to expand my JOhnSon, and thought I was really getting ripped off of the $99.95 I paid (plus tax, shipping & handling). They were basing their money-back guaranteed results on th... 
why is this thing humming?
Check and see if you have a light with a dimmmer/rheostat on it, plugged in somewhere in the house. If so, unplug it and check your system again.Let us know if you find the cause? 
Best Spooky, Moody, Atmospheric Home Theatre Demo
Fahrenheit 911: What could be spookier than what Michael Moore says and does and some people actually buy into it!But, it's AMERICA and ain't it GREAT! 
Which cable to change first-intercon. or speaker?
It would help to know what you have?Assuming they are already both somewhat equal and upscale in quality/performance, you'll hear more inprovement with an upgrade to the i/c's. And it'll be because they are "upstream" from the speaker cables. Thin... 
What's a Good Match?/ sacd/cd player
Get one (if still available) of the ModWright Sony 999es SACD/cd players. It is excellent. Disclaimer: I've NO vested interest in either Sony or Modwright. 
Has anyone heard this SACD?
Yep, had it for several months now and I agree. An excellent example of SACD. 
Samsung DLP - best choice for the Money
Larry,Check out the deals on your model of interest at Best Buy. My girlfriend got a REALLY good deal there on her 61" model.Their extended warranty is also very straightforward.Good luck!Disclaimer: I have NO vested interest in any way with Best ... 
Audio Aero Prima CD player vs.Modwright Sony 999es
Me thinks, according to my ears, that the ModWright 999es (I have one) is slightly better than the AA Captole player on Redbook. So logic would support that it should pretty much spank the Prima model.Having the SACD option additionally, sorta mak... 
Speakers for a first-time separates system?
Hi Ivy,I'm not familiar with the Spendors, but am completely with the Paradigm and the Dynaudio models mentioned, and recommend you play your "wild card" and check out the Tyler Acoustic Linbrook monitors. They are pretty amazing! You can usually ... 
Samsung DLP - best choice for the Money
You'll be pleased with that model. I steered my girlfriend toward the 61" model of the same, and it is VERY nice.Good Luck! 
The song you just cant stop playing???
The one in my head! Please make it stop! :-) 
Which SACD of Jazz at the Pawnshop sounds better?
Dracule,That was Pat Boone's daughter, not his wife, that was lighting you up!