
Responses from musicslug

Analog vs. CDP: A fair comparison?
for an informed (if opinionated) view of your situation, try calling John @ The Audio Connection in Seattle (not the NJ audio connection). He carries Cary and also is a big analog fan. He ought to be able to help you through your dilemma. My perso... 
CD format war and resultant music players
1. a well-engineered CD often sounds better than a SACD and there seem to be more and more well-engineered CDs. Barring some serious marketing (Beatles on SACD for example), I think the high-rez formats will go nowhere...2. hard drive storage link... 
why can't I make a digital recording of a DVD?
there are programs available on the web - highly illegal I'm sure - that allow you to 'rip' these discs. the programs enable you to, for example, take out previews, undesired audio tracks etc. (for Macs, there's one called "Mac the Ripper".) 
MFSL LP's & CD's
go to ebay and do a search for 'closed auctions' to see what each one tends to go for. you can either auction them there or just sell them on this site - for a bit less than ebay prices. MFSLs go for plenty of $, but each title has a different val... 
Mixed Results from My Hifi
1. wall to wall carpeting will have a huge effect (when was the last time you were at an audio dealer with bare wood floors?). I had an oriental rug on bare wood floors, then put in wall to wall (for my downstairs neighbor's peace...) and the impr... 
Fellow vinyl junkies: we made the front page
if you read the article, you'll see that nobody's really going to be convinced of anything they didn't believe before. they didn't really address the issue of sound quality other than to quote the vinyl lovers (and everybody knows we're a bunch of... 
breaking in audio components
if your dealer doesn't know what the break-in time is, he's not a very good dealer!p.s. count me in the "believes break-in is real" group 
Tube amp question
I'd second Velo62's answer. Tubes in your pre are generally considered a better way to go if you're going to mix tube and SS amplification (and I'd say go tube all the way and you'll never look back). 
best used record store s for "BLUES"?
bop street in Seattle. Dave, the owner, used to host a blues radio show 
what is the difference between good and bad music
the changeability of personal taste is fascinating: how many times have we pulled out a piece of music we used to love/not love, only to find that our feeling about it has flipped 180 degrees? it makes selling 'unwanted' CDs/LPs a risky propositio... 
Seeking advise on 6922 tubes for a preamplifier..
you definitely ought to contact CJ to see what they suggest. they undoubtedly have played around a bit... 
Good Advice
it sounds like your friend might have not observed rule #1 of audiophilism: just because a different component/tweak/IC/whatever makes your system sound different, that is not necessarily better. more detail, for example, is a lovely thing, but no... 
My friends... blind followers of this Audio Guru
if this 'guru' has any cojones, he will let you bring in a component he doesn't sell and let you do an A/B comparison with something he claims is better. and if you do end up doing this kind of comparison, make sure he doesn't influence the test: ... 
Biasing amplifiers
all the above is right on, but if the tubes get to a point where the bias is all over the place (i.e. it won't hold), that's a sign that your tubes are getting old. 
I hope break in is true
I think digital products need break-in the mostIf your first impression of the pre was negative, any ensuing break-in will probably be minimal and I'd recommend trusting your ears. that first impression was the most 'objective' evaluation you're g...