

Responses from mtdining

Looking for phono preamp suggestions
Boulder 5008! 
Question for amp experts
Anybody who thinks a class d amp sounds good has never heard a good amp. Anyone who thinks an amps chassis makes no difference has never heard a great amp. 
Component recommendations for Wilson Audio Alexx
DCS is the best for digital front end. Boulder or Ayre for electronics, or AR if you want tubes. I wanted to like CH Precision. It definitely is not in the same league sonically. I laugh when I see things like Lampizator - the unintended consequen... 
Magico vs the world
Wilson Audio makes the best speakers in the world. They use science and experience. They also have sold more high end speakers than all others combined.it is impossible to build serious speakers from aluminum, which cannot be damped.i certainly pr... 
Has anyone else auditioned something that really was terrible?
B&Ws with diamond tweeters always force me out of the room within minutes. The Kef LS50s shocked me with how distorted they are. Magician speakers in the M series. 
Separates or Integrated? What makes more sense?
When I was young, separated were the way to go. Two things have changed. First, engineers have learned to build power and pre in the same box. Second the transformers and chassis have become much more expensive relative to the electronics. Listen ... 
Has anyone heard the new PS Audio Strata, Integrated Amp/DAC/streamer?
Listen to an Ayre EX-8, before buying.  
I need advice for power cords
The only power cord I would buy under a k is the Transparent Audio Premium at $600.I have the Reference on my amp and Premium on my DAC. Transparent cables are the most natural, least distorted on the market. They actually use live acoustic music ... 
Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp
I could live with a Rogue Aidio Cronus Magnum III, it is quite nice. If you haven’t owned tubes, I recommend the experience. If, like me, you are married, have lived with tubes for decades, and are over having to buy new power tubes (especially, p... 
Speakers Don’t Matter As Much As We Think They Do?
Wednesday I listened to a setup I’d never recommend and was stunned at how good the sound was. The speakers were Wilson Sabrinas, in a large room, powered by a Parasound integrated amp. These are speakers that will benefit from the very best elect... 
Bits Are Bits, Right?
Unfortunately, our brains sample 10x more frequently than cds...vinyl is best. 
LP made from a digital master recording...
I've never experienced joy listening to digital - awe maybe, but not happiness. I also don't think vocals sound remotely human with a Dac not made bt DCS. My turntable rig is only about $3k. If I could afford a DCS Bartok, I'd likely upgrade to a ... 
Comparison of latest DAC chips
In high end audio, it is always about the chef, not the parts. The Ayre Codex is still the most musical Dac I've heard under $5k. No two R2R Dacs will ever sound the same - they are based on the ridiculous premise that it is possible to find two r... 
In-ceiling: Am I wasting my money?
As someone who has actually heard Paradigm in-ceiling speakers, they are very good. They are certainly good enough to hear the difference between Sonos and a higher quality source.. I've heard Paradigm in-ceiling speakers give good account with a ... 
Amplifiers weight
I have never heard a class d amp, or for that matter, a Rotel, sound musically engaging. Get the Anthem or Parasound. I love my 65 lb Luxman class A!