Responses from mswale
Which HDMI cable for I2S? Tubulus makes specific I2s cables. I have the Argentus. We are not playing the same game here, over $1000 for a 2m cable! It better be the best out there for that price. My $25 2m ... | |
Have you noticed as your system improves? When working, and just have it on, it's around 60db, doing some critical listing, 80-90 db. Sometimes, I want the house to shake, to have the neighbors have a listen. 100+ db happens at times, but usually I'm moving around the house wanting to f... | |
Which HDMI cable for I2S? These are some of my favorite cables, they just work, and do not break the bank. Plus made in the USA. | |
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound? @thelonious527 currently using the same PC on my system with great results. I had the opposite with more openness and soundstage. Maybe plug one component into another outlet, then listen and repeat until you find the component that is causing i... | |
Amp showing its age? @hickamore it sounds like you just really wanted a new amp. I totally get that. It's none of them, it's a Hitachi, one of the first FET amps, sounds like tubes, it's huge, and is 60lbs. Tested the power caps several months ago, they were all goo... | |
Amp showing its age? Clean it, get the bias adjusted, and measure the power caps. My amp is 50 years old, still 100% stock inside. | |
speakers and cables @mswale I have the foam and cork, if I just stuck it together, could that work? Not sure about that stuff. It might be too squishy. The link provided is made for equipment vibration. Like I said, it has worked wonders for me. Really is one of ... | |
Watts! How many do we need? Most of the time, I'm using 1-2w listing to the radio. If I want to rock out, or make the house vibrate I use around 50-60w this is out of a 200w amp. At 100db (system can do well over 100db without clipping) at 60w, there will be 100+w peaks. Si... | |
speakers and cables @mswale yes it’s like an animal farm, the more you have, the more it continues to cost. Kind of like when I walk into a rich person’s house, my first thought "nice but I would not want to pay the utility bills!" Since you sound like a vibratio... | |
speakers and cables That's a good cartridge. Also looking for a new one myself, going to get a Sumiko one. Other then buying new music, it's amazing how much money we can spend on all the little things. Also trying to sort out footers on my gear, so many choices! Do... | |
Marantz 3300 - Fanboy issues, buyer beware..... Think so many people miss the point of vintage gear. Audio brings emotion. Marantz is as much art/decor as sound. Many people are building up system that attain a certain look, with sound being a byproduct. yes, lots of new things might sound be... | |
speakers and cables Think the subs are wired up correctly for what you have. The filters will help. You can try to move the subs out next to the mains, or even (gasp) stack them. In your room, stacking might help. Can you use your turntable with the sub right there... | |
Power consuption of an amplifier You all are getting so far into the weeds with this. Just looked up the Amp, it's a 150w class A/B made in France, after reading the manual, it states max power consumption is 185w, so it is a very efficient amp, almost class D like. manual If... | |
Power consuption of an amplifier Most components will tell you on the back what the power draw is. This has nothing to do with Watt output for speakers. If it says it's 400w, then you should get a at least a 600w converter. What is being missed is, this is MAX power draw, not ... | |
speakers and cables so the High-pass RCA link is the simplest, it's a plug that has the filter inside? All the signal that comes out of it is above 100Hz? Reading the reviews, it's simple and effective. Yes, that is what it does, blocks everything below 100hz. Jus... |