
Responses from mrdecibel

New Santana Album "Africa Speaks"
This recording, is where, Santana is now, after 50 years of doing his thing. If you are a Santana fan, I would be surprised, if you do not like this, to some extent. If you do not like it, because : it is compressed; it is not " Africa " enough fo... 
I need to upgrade my amp but it sounds really good. (Wife in corner shaking her head)
I have heard your Silverlines on a few occasions when they were introduced. Get an opportunity to listen to the Klipsch Cornwall IV, as they will sing with your system. Full disclosure : I am partial to Klipsch Heritage, especially at their price ... 
New Santana Album "Africa Speaks"
Well, I listened to Africa Speaks, again, in it's entirety, and what is amazing to me, unlike many here, I enjoyed the music, the playing, the melodies, the harmonies, the song structures, the interplay between the musicians, the creativity of wha... 
Miles Davis tonight on PBS!
Enjoyed it. Thanks for the heads up.  
New Santana Album "Africa Speaks"
I just realized, that my post I spoke about, being on another thread, was actually, on this one.....duh 
New Santana Album "Africa Speaks"
Orpheus10, it would be a shame, to not have you here. Your contributions have always been appreciated by me, even if I disagreed at times. On another thread, I put forth a question to the other posters. It went like this. " Given an opportunity to... 
Satisfaction report on Klipsch
ozzy, I knew what he was saying. I feel you were way out of line, and it does not matter what you think of Klipsch. Just another audiophile / music listener, stating facts about really liking something, but " not quite there yet ". Find a poster h... 
Satisfaction report on Klipsch
Welcome to the 'Gon. The Chorus IIs are, imo, a much more satisfying experience of that " live " sound that some Klipsch models can deliver, over say the 82's and the 7's, as you experienced. I am not sure why the negativity of the 2 above posters... 
Klipsch Heresy IV - not what I was expecting
Raise them off the floor and place them on a good pair of solid stands ( remove the stands from the Heresy IVs ). You can even use some concrete building blocks found at your local Lowes or HD. Mid horn at ear level, no angle. Set up properly, the... 
MoFi - Are You Kidding Me?
I am with the OP here. If this was, in fact, brand new, than a fingerprint, imo, is not acceptable. It is worth mentioning in a thread. 
New Santana Album "Africa Speaks"
geoffkait, hello buddy....if you are suggesting that I not listen to my Rolling Stones, Beatles, Led Zep, Satriani, P.Floyd, Santana, Billy Joel, Journey, and so much more, because of a lack of dynamics, I can tell you, I would have very little to... 
New Santana Album "Africa Speaks"
I am into dynamic range as much as the next person, likely more so. However, it is unfortunate, that many listeners who spend a considerable amount of money on audio gear ( my definition of an audiophile ), listen to recordings, putting the musica... 
All the brands I don't like...
 erik, you have many followers here on the "Gon. On a rare occasion, you come up with an interesting topic, but generally, not ( imo ). Yes, I read your posts, but, I am not one of those followers I speak of. Enjoy ! MrD. 
Usless but interesting many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?
I was very young when I was introduced to the world of audio equipment, and, the fascinating world, of the reproduction of recorded music. Listened to, and used, more often than my dad, his system, which included AR3a speakers. I soon acquired my ... 
Anybody know what happened at JOB...
Check out the web sites of some of the top, most popular brands, as some give you options of ac plug termination. Once you find one, two, or a few, read the reviews and opinions of the cord owners, as you might get a sense of what they like / what...