
Responses from mrdecibel

Musical Design D-140 Amp
It is Letgo, not Lego....where do you live ?  
Will this amp trick work for increasing bass performance?
Vertical biamping ( can only be successfully done with identical amplification, as mentioned above ), has always been better, in sq, to my ears. 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Acoustical, mechanical and electrical isolation, not to mention interior of the amp / amps ( transformer decoupling, etc ). 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
I am with georgehifi, on this. Passive is the way ( has been for me ). However, I understand the addition of a gain stage / extra circuitry, with the " drive ", " color " ( could be distortion ), that people like. It is all about " what you like "... 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Air and sweetness......I understand, if that is what you are listening for. Talking about tubes giving air and sweetness, OTL is better, ime, with that, and, more. Much of this, still depends, on the music, and the actual recording, being listened... 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
I have spoken to ex tubers, who now use Valvet, some even with horns. 
What integrated would you recommend for summer amp?
A small passive unit, with a Nuforce STA 200. 
Speakers that are a great value!
With a background ( also ) in sales management, whatever we are talking, value, is based on what someone is willing to pay. We all have our preferences, as obvious from our posts, but, what I consider a value, someone else might not, and vice vers... 
Advice/Warnings for a newbie
mike_in_nc....I think you misunderstood millercarbon. He does believe in upgraded power cords, and does believe, in isolating them, mechanically, and electrically. Look at his system photos. Sometimes I misunderstand his posts, but he believes EVE... 
Selling a Hafler DH500
Locally, on CL, FB has a for sale section, the Bay, if someone is willing to pay for boxing / shipping. People rebuild them, so, USAM ( usaudiomart ), is another place. Locally, or if shipping it, you would need to determine, if it is working, or ... 
Recommended Speaker Design for Corner / Near-Wall Placement?
If you can find a mint, used pair of NHT 3.3s, they would work great. Had a pair. with a monster ss amp, quite the reproduction. Still liked horns better, so, like so many others, I sold them. I am a Khorn fan, so.......... 
Advice/Warnings for a newbie
roberjerman cannot hear these differences, so he makes claims, these differences do no exist. They do exist, just listen for yourself, and with the system you put together, it will not be hard to hear.  
How Does a "HI-LEVEL IN" Affect Impedance Load?
Not much, if any at all. This is how I have my sub amps connected. I do recommend, however, the same type and size wire, as to your mains, if at all possible, for the best sq, based on my experience. Enjoy !, and be well. 
Has anyone tried a rubberized coating on older Klipsch tweeters?
Thanks for the mention, tomic. The horns on the RF3, and series 2, handle much of the midrange as well as the treble, as they are a 2 way, based on the crossover point to the woofers. Dynamat is a great material to use, but some of my clients want... 
Still no real feedback on Cornwall IV - Any update?
There are a handful of reviews of them, from posters here, all positive.