
Responses from mrdecibel

The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
A live recording, such as Harry Belafonte, Live at Carnegie Hall ( a fave of mine ), creates an " I am there " experience, placing me very close to the stage. Another fave, ( of which I was present on one of those nights ), is The Allman Bros. Liv... 
Guest suddenly takes it upon herself to move my speakers
Aren't the Tad CR1s over 100 lbs, with the stands adding more weight ? Not easy to move, and certainly, she was out of line. Balancing super tweeters on top of them would also be tricky, as the tops are not a flat surface. The closest I ever got t... 
Anyone have this kind of problem with their amp?
I did mention the possibility of a bad solder joint, hours before others, just as an fyi. I do read all the posts in a thread, to get an idea of what has been mentioned. I do not need any credit, however, I am just saying.......and, to throw the p... 
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them?
@tomic601 , Happy Valentines Day to you too, sir ! LOL. We all have a story, so I hope my story is interesting, and not too long, so, I apologize. I have stated in many posts, that personal taste, is what this hobby is all about. The arguments bet... 
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them?
Every speaker, to some extent, makes some trade offs, and, at all price points, imo. The thing is, as a listener, we need to determine, what musical parameters of recorded music, are most desirable to each of us. And as explained above, the speake... 
Musical Concepts amplifier modifications upgrades
Not ICE, but IEC, the power cord inlet. And yes, wonderful work from him. 
Anyone have this kind of problem with their amp?
Not familiar with this unit, but looking at photos posted on this unit, does the design incorporate output relays ? The problem described, ime, sounds like this might be the issue, as relays have a notorious history of failing. Or an output curren... 
Music in multiple rooms
By using the fixed output of the Rogue into the Yamaha, you will have independent volume control of the Yamaha with the other 2 sets of speakers being driven by it. Using the variable preout of the Rogue, the Yamaha will be dependent on the volume... 
Unexpectedly low volume with Schiit Saga + Vidar
Not just a different set, but a more efficient set. However, I do not recommend buying speakers for this reason. If you like a particular pair of speakers, there are always matching products to get you there ( in your case with the Maggies, a prea... 
Unexpectedly low volume with Schiit Saga + Vidar
The typical output voltage of most sources today, is about 2 volts. I use a passive unit ( no gain stage ), but my speakers are very high sensitivity, so passive gives me plenty of output and drive, between any amps I run, from my sources ( I pref... 
Unexpectedly low volume with Schiit Saga + Vidar
Look into the Freya units, as they offer a gain stage ( 12 db I believe, which is gain = 4 ). 
Unexpectedly low volume with Schiit Saga + Vidar
My understanding of the Saga +, it is a zero gain device, offering passive output, meaning, the source is driving the amplifier. You have a choice between passive, and passive with a buffer, used for driving longer cables, and helping with impedan... 
Direct or Reflect ... What's your flavor
Eric......If I may......Bose 901s are not ambient reflectors, as 89% of their output was purposely sent to the back wall. Then you have speakers designed by Stewart Hegeman, and all of the manufacturers who use his design ( s ), ( look them up ). ... 
Vertical bi amping Mcintosh MC275 and Rotel RB-1582 MkII
What you are describing to do is horizontal biamping ( passively ), and George, is correct. However, I feel both amplifiers have enough sound character differences between one another, that you may find a discontinuity in sq between the woofers an... 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
Miller, you have much to say about many subjects. The way movie soundtracks are produced, you would need a minimum of 5 discreet channels, not including the subs. You do not have a decoder, a center channel, nor rear channels. You have an elaborat...