
Responses from mrdecibel

Holy Brightness Batman!
Speaker designs marketed for older audiophiles ? Really ? Ridiculous. Speakers need brake in time, for sure ( everything does ), and I am assuming these are used, but still might need break in time. Although very clean sounding speakers, they are ... 
I have a set of professionally balanced Hafler amps. I need a good preamp for the system
I find the Haflers to be on the warm side. Have they had any modifications ? If you buy the Freya ( the + would be my recommendation ), you will need a phono preamp. You might want to consider going passive ( I have ). The Freya gives you that opt... 
Klipsch Heresy IV
10 db of bass ?....= 10 hz of bass. Guys ( and gals ). You need to look at some of the pro versions of the Heresy’s..........again, nothing new with the ported design, except for the port itself. R.D. had much to do with the design of the pro mode... 
Klipsch, introduces The Cornwall IV, and I think it will be a killer !
The 1st 2 sentences of jsautter’s post above, makes sense. However, speakers, like ice cream flavors, are very personal. As much as I have spoken highly about Klipsch ( horns in general ), I have been honest, at least, in saying, they are not for ... 
Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.
Imabucfan, obviously, you have gotten several relies ( replies, lol ), and please keep in mind, suggestions and recommendations, are generally made, based on what people like, for themselves. A thread that is in it's 3rd day, is not an old thread ... 
Anyone done A / B listening to compare vintage stereo receivers with today’s Amps/Preamps?
These older receivers incorporate so much wire, switches, and cram things up against one another. Some are beautiful to look at, and actually sound ok. But, that is all. The prices they are going for, is ridiculous, imo. YMMV...... 
Nuforce STA200
A couple hundred hours for break in. Leave it on, continuously, with music playing through it, if possible. The question of vertical bi-amp....I feel it is significant, but this goes with many dual amps I have had experience with. As far as a purc... 
Klipsch Heresy IV
I have mentioned before, on other threads, that Klipsch has made the Heresy design, in pro models, for years, and all have been ported. This is nothing new for them. I believe the IV is a big upgrade, over the III.  
Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.
Imabucfan, welcome to the ’Gon. I am about a 2 hour drive from you. You can read some of my posts. If you have interest, we can exchange phone numbers, and set up a time for you to come listen to my system, with you music selections ( my system is... 
Apollon AS1200 ICEPOWER class D amp in da house
FYI, georgehifi, makes negative comments about many things, including horn speakers, and amplifiers with mosfet output stages, two things I enjoy. I still like the guy, and cannot imagine these threads without him.  
Klipsch Forte III--Pleasantly Surprised
RIAA, would I to assume, you are billion$baby ? I have been doing these mods for years on Klipsch, and it is good to see, someone other than the typical Klipsch guys doing it, and taking the crossover to another level. In fact, I have been enjoyin... 
Carver ZR-1600 amplifier
To answer your question, although a bit late..........YES, adapters are common in use. Enjoy ! 
Amp, One Set of Speaker Connections Or Two?
Bi = Two ....Speaker switching, A and B, has been explained, above. It has all been explained above, with consistency and, with some simplicity. Obviously, someone here does not feel biamping is all that, and I, feel it is. Other than 
Amp, One Set of Speaker Connections Or Two?
Millercarbon, and everyone here, Happy New Year. Miller, as always, you are very opinionated, and I disagree with you on this particular subject. I encourage, vertical, passive biamping, to many of my clients, and not once have they though of goin... 
What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?
Did not own them, but I spent some time in a studio, a friend of mine co-owned, and in their large sound room, was a pair of Augspurger Design studio monitors that were, well, fun ! I would, exchange my Lascalas for a pair of those. I remember the...