
Responses from mrdecibel

... Should I be concerned?
@insearchofprat.....I am going to answer this from a different angle, and it is my experience, I say this. With the input level controls on the Parasound, set low, initially..............bypass ( do not use ) the tube line stage, and go direct fro... 
AR SP8 mk2 high output volume
@atmasphere , that is what I said, or....what I meant. A volume control / switcher, straight, without a gain stage ( passive ) to the power amp section. If I was not clear, I apologize. 
AR SP8 mk2 high output volume
It seems the integrated amp is similar in design, to a power amplifier, connected to a passive unit ( this A30 amp design, is becoming very popular ). What the OP is saying, imo, he does not like passive, as much as the AR's tube line stage, and p... 
Threshold, Levinson, Bryston, Krell, ?others? used amps
As I am watching the MMA  prelims, I am scanning the "A'gon pages. I might have missed something, but what speakers are being used by the op, how is the room set up, and can an improvement be made upstream, in the system, prior to the amp ? 
Speaker hiss from power amp
Rwatson, a few more comments. BTW, welcome to the "Gon. As you stated, the hiss is not audible from your listening chair, so I would not worry about it. Putting your ear close to the power amplifier, it is quite common to hear the transformer. A r... 
Speaker hiss from power amp
As a 2nd opinion, I concur with cleeds. 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
I have an amp in my collection, a Smart Theater Systems TA 242, which is based on a Hafler design, nicely built power supply, toroid transformer, highly biased in class A, roughly 120 X 2. I acquired this years ago from a movie theater updating it... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
I believe I found a picture, that allows me to understand what atmasphere was speaking about. The power transformer, seems to be " sunken ", into the chassis, but imo, can still be isolated from the chassis, but likely, not with these that I recom... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
What you purchased, that I recommended, should be fine with temperature, as the mounting area, does not get as warm as other areas of the transformer. Additionally, heat rises. I would like to see a close up of the transformer mounting area, as I ... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
Wanted to add, I hear most transformers, when I place my ear, against the chassis of amplifiers ( including this Edge unit ), but, I accept this, as they all make noise, as I indicated. As long as it is not amplified, through the system, out to th... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
@atmasphere I have not been able to find a close up photo of the transformer mountings of this amp, however, I respect your opinion, and feel, it is quite unfortunate. As I have stated, I have done hundreds of these " mods ", and all for the bette... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
@listening99....check out Lowes...item # 198831, model # 88577......rubber flat washer...10 pack....I should have stated " washer ". Sorry. These work great. No need to tighten too much, as you want to keep the integrity of the rubber..... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
@listening99....I am recommending between the transformer ( where the 4 corners mount ) and the chassis ( the screws will go through the damping material / products ). Transformers do get warm ( in your case, the power transformer, not so much the... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
Humming is the obvious choice, when you do not know the truth of all transformers...... they all hum, radiate noise ( Toroids produce less than E-I core ) and exhibit, some amount of vibration, as well. I believ... 
Partly passive preamp?
I use Tim Stinson’s Luminous Audio Axiom II, Walker Mod unit....3 in, 2 out, single ended, remote ( volume, mute ). Love it, as I can’t hear it. His cables are excellent, as well. Be well.....stay safe......