
Responses from mosin

Soundsmith "The Voice"?
William,We are using it on my turntable with a Schroeder tonearm that has a heavier wand than Frank's special one, but the particular cartridge was built to match. So far, it is very much so that we intend to leave it there for the ... 
table turning backwards
Kal is right. You probably have a bad capacitor. The issue is ages old, and was known to show up especially on some Thorens models, TD160, TD165, etc. 
Turntable setup
Well, it depends a lot on the turntable. If setting up a cartridge is the issue, Mike Fremer made a video for that. If other issues are involved, like setting up a springy type turntable, some of it depends on the make and model. One constant is t... 
Anyone using a Schick tonearm?
Hi,I don't own one, but I know Thomas, and I have heard his tonearm. It is a wonderful piece at a steal of a price. I hope to have one myself before too long. By the way, you will never meet a nicer guy than Thomas Schick.Win 
Rega Elys II cartridge: Is it worth the money??
I find this to be an interesting thread for a couple of reasons.First, I agree with Audiofeil to some degree. The "degree" has everything to do with ones perception of high-end. I am of the camp who believes the Rega is not high-end. Still, it is ... 
Modified turntables,
Modifying turntables can get out of hand quickly. Trust me on that. ;) 
Triple deionized water for cleaning lps ?
Albert,You are correct. We do manage to get the job done, but I admit, we are a bit ocd at times. LOL 
Triple deionized water for cleaning lps ?
All this is interesting. Bear in mind that I also go to extremes with cleaning at times, but it does raise an observation...We buy old records that someone played for years without cleaning, or if they did, they most likely used a Discwasher brush... 
dead quiet
Ditto,Tell us a bit about your cartridge, tonearm, phonostage, etc. There are known combinations that show a few issues, so maybe someone around here will have experience with your particular mix of things. 
dead quiet
Audiofeil is correct. Dead quiet is possible. It's the only way to fly, in fact. If you have hum, your work isn't finished. 
Measure My Turntable Speed
Hi,A simple strobe chart and a fluorescent light will do the trick nicely. 
Any cheap tweaks for cheap turntable?
Hi,I agree, except that the single alternative response that you got was to buy a turntable that cost four times what you have spent up to this point. There may be a better player than the Rega that can be had for the same $100 that the Stanton st... 
Which part reduces surface noise most?
If you have a clean record and a good cartridge, the pops bad crackles aren't there. That's when you hear the other artifacts that need to be addressed, though. ;)I really not sure if it's a war that can be won. As soon as you think you are there,... 
Cartridge downgrade?
Speaking of Soundsmith, the Voice cartridge is astonishing for the money. It is a moving iron that readily competes with many hi-end moving coils. It would be a downgrade in price, but not in performance. In performance, it might be an upgrade. If... 
Cartridges for Grace 707
Hi Rob,An ADC MKII Improved is a pretty good moving iron cartridge from the old days. An ADC Astrion would be even better with its crystal cantilever, but very scarce. Even better would be the ever-elusive ADC TRX Series, with the TRX3 being the r...