
Responses from mosin

Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Thanks Dave,I already have. I was just making an observation that many have made before. That's all.mosin 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"The reveal at last.No response needed.You're your own undoing in this one, Mosin."Actually, I believe not. I fail to see why some people blindly follow something they see on the Internet without even vaguely considering the possibility that it mi... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"It would seem that expansiveness on the DIY level also would lend to a give-and-take sharing of information. Instead we have two posts from you which “take on” Jean "line by line" as you say."Actually, there are more than two posts. What I find o... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Mario,Talking about outside the box ideas is my forte. Thanks for reminding me about how the thread started, though. Bear in mind that we are talking about DIY things, so I see the discussion of slate to be appropriate, and just because someone em... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"Well, I have the water jet. All I am missing is the CNC and $300,000 to prove you wrong. LOL"I figured I had better put that in my post just to cover myself. ;) 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hello again,"Is slate better then combo of MDF, ply baltic birch ???"There is absolutely no contest. Slate has properties none of those materials can match. Wood can be used to make a very nice plinth material, but slate has it beat."What I do kno... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Lew,A few points... First, the cost is inline due to the reasons I stated earlier. Second, the meaning of "well coupled to the platter bearing" is different from what everyone has come to accept. The reason is because the constrained layer nature ... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"There are all sorts of problems with slate - marriage of surfaces - "True, but it is possible, as you will soon see for yourselves."Lenco-to-slate (regardless of the CLD nature of slate, it is still stone and so hard, which means metal slapping a... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"Oh Lew, I believe Jean's use of use of acrylic is not aboard any of his plinths, but is used in conjunction with marble as an "underfoot" base."Guys,My last turntable used acrylic over wood, and it is quite effective.mosin 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Lew,To give a bit of background, I'll take you back several years. My first e-mail to Jean expressed an interest in building a turntable from cement or machine grout. I abandoned that project shortly after, but the idea always stuck in my mind. La... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"Hxt1, No need to apologize here for what you may have written on the LL forum. The tete a tete between the Welsh and Pennsylvania slate deck makers on the Vinyl Asylum was pretty hostile and revealed two fairly closed minds. I am sure you slate-e... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"Mosin, that's a teaser and no mistake! :) Backstage Pass has a successor?"Colin,Indeed it does. This is my most ambitious project ever, and I hope it works as expected. I tried my very best to break new ground on this one, and the big question is... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"the whole issue of torque vs inertia" an interesting topic in itself.I thought about inertia and mass with respect to the idler turntable for a very long time. It doesn't require a motor which has more torque, so traditional ones will be ab... 
Are interconnect cables worth $15,000?
Hello,In my opinion, the most important cables are those that are the very first in the system, especially if you listen to an analog source. Good cables between the tonearm and phonostage can make a critical difference. How much to spend? I suppo... 
What is the ideal weight/mass for a turntable?
"An intelligent answer for once!Granite rings like a bell: please explain, any data or proper observations on this?"Hi,This one is easy to answer. Granite is one of the worst possible materials for a turntable for the simple reason that sound trav...