
Responses from mosin

Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"But while we have you here Mosin, what would do (have you done) to redesign the Lenco bearing while keeping the original spindle and platter sleeve?"Mario,Although I did modify the bearing and spindle in the first turntable, I would not do it aga... 
Silicon Nitride vs Ruby bearing for Rega P5
Gents,I believe we would be correct in assuming that Stefanl cited the CMM application to illustrate the ruggedness of silicon nitride in order to contrast it with the much more fragile ruby material, and he was correct in doing so, if a higher de... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."Gentlemen,Whoever said that was certainly right, and it begs the question, why? Why adapt a motor that cost the better part of $2000 on a turntable that is essentially a stamping with a platter that ... 
Best "P" mount cartridge?
Hello,Technics made both a moving coil and a moving magnet. Both are considered in some circles to be the best "P" mount cartridges ever made. The Technics EPA 500 tonearm even had an optional wand for them that now fetches a price in the $700US r... 
Best MM for the money or?
Hi Qdrone,There are a couple of obscure moving iron cartridges from the past that will rival many moving coils, but finding one in NOS condition at this point would border on a miracle. That said, Soundsmith's new "Voice" is a moving iron cartridg... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Mario,Thanks, I do have something to share. :), 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"Funny, I’ve been through “Da” original “Thread” twice now, and I could find no place where you claimed to be the originator or inventor of any scientific principles as applied to the Lenco build. Certainly, there was a justifiable pride in applic... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Jean,Ever since I sent you an e-mail a couple of years ago that mentioned the use of direct coupling in my DIY project, you just keep using the phrase. Is that a soundbite, or what? The idea is old as the hills, and gunmakers have used it in refer... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Gentlemen,Andre Hanekom put a Garrard 301 inside a radically custom plinth fifteen years ago, and many people in the Far East have been making "monster plinths" for decades. The idea is not at all a new one, nor is direct coupling, etc. What is ne... 
Cartridge Break-in at High VTF?
Hello BI200,It is a very bad idea to break in a cartridge at a higher VTF than the manufacturer specifies. One maker who contacts me from time to time recommends starting at the lowest suggested setting to see how the cartridge performs, and then ... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
09-06-06: FishwinkerI've got the speed sorted now (thanks 4yanx) - I'd connected the speed lever control to the idler control arm at a very different point on the slide plate to that which it had originally been fixed. Obvious really - feel rather... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hello again,Mine is Delrin plate, but my entire approach to the project was different in that I scrapped most of the Lenco, and designed in the potential to scrap all of it. My view is that the one superior feature of the Lenco is the fact that th... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"Has anyone filled in the center-top of the platter aside from the mumetal mod?"Yes, I have. In fact, I have very seriously modified the top of the platter with great success. It did require modifying the spindle itself, however.-mosin 
Need help with my Magnepan Unitrac 1 tonearm
Jomoinc,Thanks for the kind words. I try. An update to Jeff's problem is that he did contact me shortly after his post here, and I put him in touch with a fellow who could competently repair the wiring of his Unitrac. He's rocking and rolling now.... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Dave,That is certainly true. I suppose what we are saying is simply that we should use what has been learned to its maximum effect, and think outside the box, so that new ideas can be brought to light that will make the Lenco an even better turnta...