

Responses from mofimadness

Can my amp drive the Paradigm Studio 100s
I have the same receiver (AVR-1910) running a pair of Paradigm Reference Studio 80's with NO problem. The 100's shouldn't be a problem either. I do only use mine for home theater duties, but that taxes the amp in the receiver way more than just a ... 
Tonearm Noise
Does it happen at both the inner and outer groove when you lift/lower the tonearm? If so, at the same level?My thinking is that the cartridge or arm is picking up some kind of EMI or RFI maybe from the motor or improper grounding of the internal t... 
The Best Way to Clean Records
Clickable link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VSv-Sfdz2sMaybe this guy is related to the "turntable setup" guy from a previous post? 
Recommendation for Tube Preamp around $1000
Modwright SWL9.0SE. 
Tonearm Noise
Is this noise from the tonearm itself or through the speakers?I never raise or lower my toneram unless the "mute" is on or the volume control is all the way down. 
Top 5 favorite MM cartridges currently available
Lewm,The OP asked specifically about Moving Magnet cartidges. The Grados are Moving Iron. That's why I didn't include them. 
Periodic replacement of Audio Grade Fuses?
"Under normal conditions, Audio Grade Fuses should be replaced from every 6 to 12 months the longest."I have some ocean front property in Colorado for sale... 
Top 5 favorite MM cartridges currently available
Audio Technica AT150MLXLinn AdiktRoksan Corus BlackShure M97xEI just heard the new Audio Technica AT150ANV 50th anniversary cartridge. It wasn't on one of my tables, but it sounded wonderful. 
Mach 2 Music website down?
Clickable link:>http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?icomp&1338316349&read&3&zzlStelladesign&& 
Can I bridge Rotel RB 1080
Looking at the owner's manual, it doesn't appear that you can bridge the RB 1080. You could sell it and buy a RB 1090. That's a MONSTER amp and sounds very good. 
Ads with no picture WTF??
I think some of the problem is that the new Audiogon system is still lagging behind posting pictures to ads. 
Phono Stage need for MC-22 pre-amp and Moving Coil
You can use a SUT instead of buying a whole new phono stage. Bob's Devices or Silvercore are excellent for the money. 
Replasment for Mullard Long Plates?
I really like the new production Psvane 12AX7's. 
Wadia 121
Here's a major discussion on the Wadia 121:http://www.audioaficionado.org/digital-music-servers/13463-wadia-121-owners.html 
Most suitable tone arm for linn sondek LP12
Linn Ekos SENaim ARO