

Responses from mofimadness

ARC preamp line up
Actually the SP14 has only (1) tube. It's a very nice unit also, but over your budget by a little. Also, the SP7 was the solid state replacement for the SP5. The LS9, LS10 and LS12 were solid state line stages. I was an ARC dealer for many years. 
Best way to purchase/download music?
ARC preamp line up
Still one of my favorite ARC preamps is the SP9MKII, (or MKIII). These use (2) tubes and have an excellent phono stage. 
hotel california...
While I can't speak to the CD, I have quite a few different copies of the vinyl record. IMHO, this is how I would rank them:1. West German pressing2. Japanese pressing3. DCC pressing4. Mobile Fidelity pressing5. Back to Vinyl reissue (UK)6. UK ori... 
Meldhau, Raitt
I agree that the new Bonnie Raitt is excellent. It actually sounds like the old Bonnie Raitt. Haven't heard the other one mentioned. 
How many got back into vinyl post divorce?
I had a prenup... 
suggestions for updating via DAC.....
Eastern Electric MiniMax DAC. With a little op-amp rolling and tube rolling, it's hard to beat. I love mine. 
Think you know analog?
This guy must be Mikey Fremer's evil twin :-) 
Sunfire Signature... what is this?
How high does the meter peg out at? Should be either 380 joules or 480 joules. 
Digital microscope recommendations
Peter,Works for me :-) 
Digital microscope recommendations
Pbnaudio...what is RTA? I've never heard of that. There is VTA and SRA. Fremer is a big fan of SRA (Stylus Rake Angle). 
Anybody seen a Black Widow Turntable?
I've never heard of a Black Widow TURNTABLE? Infinity made the Black Widow Tonearm. Do you have any pictures? 
The New Clearaudio Ovation
Have you tried to lower the VTA a little? Brightness of a cartridge can be from the tonearm being high in the back. 
Great Cables ... That Get Little Attention
There is a price list on the Worldwide Wholesales website. The cables that started this thread are the HiDiamond XLR 2. These are listed at $1300 per pair. I'm not sure that would be considered "shockingly reasonable", or not?Here is the price lis... 
My kind of morning audio habit
Thanks for sharing...that's cute.