

Responses from mofimadness

Best tubed full-function preamp with remote
Great choice. I love my LS100. Make sure you change out the 5AR4/GZ34 rectifier also. 
MM Phono Input impedance change 47k to 100k ohms
I agree with Al. I have sold, (I was a Grace dealer) and personally owned many various F9 cartridges and have found that in most cases, the 47K setting is perfect. I currently have several F9E's and have tried many different phono stages with them... 
$100 Speakers
The Pioneers were designed by Andrew Jones, not Phil Jones. As you mentioned, you heard them in a Best Buy. In a real world room, they perform WAY beyond their price and once they are broken-in, they are even better. I agree completely with the re... 
Where can I buy a Living Voice Mystic Mat in U.S.?
You could try Eugene HiFi. They are a Living Voice dealer:[url]http://www.eugenehifi.com/index.htm[/url] 
Best recorded rock song ?
"Aja" by Steely Dan. 
$100 Speakers
I've posted several times on this forum about the same Pioneer speakers. They're very good for the money. Give them about 100 hours of break-in and they are even better. I love mine! 
YouTube unlistenable
Are you really using YouTube as a reference source?...really? 
Buzz with all power off
Could be faulty dimmer switch or refrigerator or washing machine or A/C unit? You will need to unplug, (not just turn off) all of your gear to see if any of it is causing it. Then try unplugging other items around your house.What's on the same cir... 
MFSL Not stamped
I'm pretty sure these are promo copies. 
MFSL Not stamped
Probably a promotional copy. What title is it? 
Magnepan MG1.7 fuse question
This is from the 1.7 manual:The terminal plate states a maximum fuse value of 4 amps Type 3AG ("normal" or "fast blow"). The bass sectiondoes not require fusing protection. This fuse value should never be increased or bypassed. Do not use slow-blo... 
Upscale Audio -- Tubes and Reliability
I am also a satisfied Kevin Deal (Upscale Audio) customer. I have been buying tubes and taking Kevin's advice for close to 20 years now. I have never been steered wrong, nor never had any problems.IMHO, he's one of the good guys. 
Audiogon members poor packing and shipping damage
I also agree with you guys. I go out of my way to OVER package and make sure the item will arrive in perfect shape.I need to get this off of my chest: I have been buying ALOT of LP's recently and can't believe the improper way these are shipped! C... 
Best tubed full-function preamp with remote
Modwright LS100 w/phono. 
Need a heavy duty receptacle
I also recommend the Porter Ports. Excellent for the money!