

Responses from mofimadness

Components that you regret parting with?
conrad-johnson Premiere Three preampVendetta Research phono stageTechnics EPA500 tonearm 
Got Noise?
Mark, have you tried unhooking everything from the amp except the AC power cable and speaker cables. That would eliminate all but the amp and the AC power into it.I have heard that the KWA150's can be a little noisy, but from the transformers as a... 
Best Rock Album in 2012
Richard_stacy,Thanks for the Hiss Golden Messenger-"Poor Moon" recommendation. I had never heard of them. Called the album up on MOG and am really liking it. Need to order the CD I guess. 
Thoughts on Amperex PQ tubes
Shakedown...great choice of preamps! I really liked my SWL9.0SE Signature, (I have since upgraded to the Modwright LS100). Unless Dan changed something, you can't use anything but a 5687 tube, (or variant) in this unit. If you are talking about th... 
Thoughts on Amperex PQ tubes
Excellent tubes. I have quite a few of these in my collection and have always thought highly of them. Of course, it really depends on the device/circuit they are used in. Try some and see. 
are some phono stages more resistant to hum?
One of my phono stages is the same ARC PH-3SE as you have. I have used this with at least a dozen different tables and arms and have never had a hum problem.You are absolutely right that a "shielded" cable/wire should have a much better resistance... 
Squeezebox Touch simple 24/192 output mod
Kenny,Please keep us posted as soon as you get a grasp on the Welborne Power Supply. I have a Squeezebox Duet and have been thinking about this PS. I have read that it really only affects the analog section and I am not using the analog outs, just... 
Best Rock Album in 2012
I want to add another one to my list above:Lucero-"Women and Work"I've listened to this new CD quite a few times now, and I like it even more each time I hear it. I really didn't like Lucreo's first few albums, but this one is killer. Hard drivin'... 
FWIW... Neko Case fans vinyl
I have both versions also. While, I wouldn't quite go so far as to say it's "a huge leap forward", I do find the clear version to have less surface noise and IMHO, this leads to a greater sense of dynamics.It's an excellent record and is better on... 
VPI Traveller
The arm on the new Traveler table is completely different from any other VPI arm. All of the VPI arms to date have been unipivot designs. The Traveler arm is a gimballed bearing design. The cartridges that worked on the unipivots "might" not work ... 
interesting phenomena in the cutting room
Ralph...Is the plan to actually start pressing vinyl from this lathe or was it just for fun?I agree with Albert, that with your amps, could be a killer cutting system. Will we ever get to hear anything from it??? 
Best Rock Album in 2012
So far in 2012 I really like:Bonnie Raitt-SlipstreamNorah Jones-Little Broken HeartsDar Williams-In the Time of GodCowboy Junkies-The WildernessCan't wait for the new Joe Bonamassa. I've heard a few tunes already and it should be very good. 
Squeezebox Touch simple 24/192 output mod
Here is the link:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?icomp&1335975868&openmine&zzMofimadness&4&5#Mofimadness 
DAC use for "high resolution" computer sources-MOG
You could try the Schiit BiFrost. I've heard really good things about this DAC. I haven't heard one, but the reviews are good. It sells for $349. 
Best way to purchase/download music?
Kenny...have you downloaded the same title in 24/96 AND 24/192? I have (4) different albums on each and with all of them, I found the 24/96 to sound as good if not better than the 24/192 versions? There is a paper or review or whatever floating ar...