
Responses from mlsstl

What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes?
Most tubes are primarily constructed of ordinary metal parts in a vacuum inside a glass bulb. However, most tubes also have a "getter" to absorb any stray air molecules that get in the tube. This is generally made out of barium which is toxic. (It... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
...without frequencies above 15k Hz.That is not what I said. I said without frequencies above 20KHz from a CD (actually 22,050 Hz from the Nyquist theorem but there is only 1/10th an octave difference between 20K & 22K.) Arbitrarily decreasing... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
As noted previously, Murata is rather vague about the internals of their device. If there is no electrical crossover then the cutoff is being handled by the inherent mechanical parameters of the tweeter. There will still almost certainly be output... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
Thg said: "I think that you should have no response below 15K Hz in a supertweeter."While that is a nice sentiment, it is highly unlikely. The Murata is rather vague about its crossover mechanism but if its range is given as 15KHz and up, it almo... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
One thing to keep in mind with any add-on supertweeter that was not designed as part of a speaker system is that the transition between the main speaker and the super-tweeter is going to be widely variable.The Townshend, for example, says its rang... 
paranoid listener-damaging speakers?
Djwilbourn said: " although i thought 40 watts of tube power would be more than enough..."That, my friend, is why you need a SPL meter. Everything is just conjecture and speculation until you get a solid reference point for your particular flavor ... 
paranoid listener-damaging speakers?
Buy a $50 Radio Shack meter. You've probably got at least $2,000 invested in your system so you've got something to protect in the way of equipment. It is very helpful to have a solid reference point when you're talking volume. It appears you like... 
What is an integrated stereo tube amplifier?
Traditional bass, treble and balance controls have been out of fashion on most serious preamps and integrateds for a number of years.Welcome to 2008! 
Tunning Tube amplifier
Generically speaking, the only simple tasks for an end user of a tube amp are: 1) periodically check the status of all tubes using an appropriate tube tester;2) adjust the bias of the output tubes using a voltmeter. This step may vary with the amp... 
Why are older tubes so much sought after
Sirspeedy wrote: "Very tight tolerences!"Just a comment on a minor point. Tight tolerances has nothing to directly do with sound qualities. It only means whatever the attributes of the design, the finished product consistently meets specifications... 
tube amp wattage questions/psb golds
Flyinjz sez: how could i possibly make a educated decision...Welcome to reality. Even professional reviewers only get exposed to a small percentage of the available equipment out there. The best you can really do is narrow the field to what seems ... 
tube amp wattage questions/psb golds
There are certainly high wattage audio tube amps but they tend to be big fellows due to the transformer requirement. The higher the wattage, the bigger the "iron" needed. (If you want to talk about sheer power, tubes are by still commonly used as ... 
Why are older tubes so much sought after
Just one more comment from the peanut gallery. The Soviets in particular continued to use tubes in a lot of their military equipment long after the US military had moved much of their equipment to solid state. (In fact, they felt vacuum tubes were... 
Why are older tubes so much sought after
There are a couple of issues at work.First, many of the NOS tubes were made in factories that no longer exist, using machines long since gone. For tubes commonly used in audio equipment there are few to none made in the US, Britain or Germany anym... 
Newbee Squeezebox help please
A Slimdevices Squeezebox plugs into your home network as if it were another computer. It can either use standard wireless or a wired connection with a CAT-5 ethernet cable.If you currently have only one computer hooked directly to your internet ca...