
Responses from mlsstl

The LS3/5a was designed by the BBC as a monitoring speaker for use in mobile recording vans. As such it is highly prized for its eerie vocal qualities. They were manufactured under license from the BBC by a number of different speaker companies bu... 
I'm a bit confused by the LS3/5a suggestion. While they are small and would fit on a bookshelf, the OP asked for a "thin" sounding speaker. I'd consider the LS3/5a to have anything but a "thin" sound. I've always found them to have a rather rich, ... 
Neighbor Complaining...
If you don't have a sound level meter, buy one. (The Radio Shack models can be had for about $50.) That can form the basis for really finding out how loud you listen and also what level bothers the neighbor. If you're a 100 dB kind of guy, you've ... 
Anybody heard of Girard turntables?
You probably mean Garrard. They were a British maker of turntables. They started making turntables after World War I. The original company is out of business. The vast majority of their products were fairly ordinary but quite serviceable. A 40 yea... 
Adding a Squeezebox - Upgrading Path?
I have a Squeezebox that I use with an external DAC (Lavry DA-10) and find that a wonderful combination. The DAC that is built-in to the Squeezebox is good (especially for the money) but easily improved on. The Squeezebox is very receptive to an e... 
What to do with bad recorded CDs
Why not a machine that can uncompress and restore the recording to its original dynamics?There is a pretty simple answer to that question. There are just too many variables for that to work across the board.First, there are a lot of things that ge... 
What to do with bad recorded CDs
What did you do with bad recordings on LP? I can think of countless LPs where either the recording or the pressing were so poor that it distracted from the musical performance. You've received a good suggestion about looking for remasters. (Of cou... 
Noise on Eva Cassidy-Songbird CD
Just checked my copy and have no unwanted or unusual noises. Sounds like you have a defective CD. 
FLAC or Windows Lossless for music archive?
The Squeezebox web site is and they have an excellent users forum plus a wiki. Between those you can learn just about everything you'd need to know about the Squeezebox.That said, a Squeezebox won't run directly from an ... 
Where does fatique come from?
I believe it varies with the person involved. Think about other situations that are fatiguing, such as driving at night in the rain. You have to concentrate at a very high level to correctly interpret what you see. The paint lines between lanes ar... 
Integrated amp $1.5k for spendor 8SE
No, I'm not familiar with LDF so can't offer an opinion. However, I would mention that the Spendor dealer I've dealt with (Jeff Stake Hi Fi) is quite fond of Plinius and it was a good match when I auditioned the new Spendor line a few years back. 
Integrated amp $1.5k for spendor 8SE
I ran a Bel Canto S300 with Spendor S8es and was very happy with the results. Plenty of power and very solid control of the bass with no trace of any solid state harshness. There is an S300i on Audiogon right now in for less than your indicated ma... 
Sources for Dynaco Stereo 70.
Looks like there are three units in pretty much stock condition available on eBay at this moment, plus one rebuilt. Be prepared to pay though. They are known to be popular and even ones in rough condition don't go cheap. An alternative is to becom... 
iTunes Apple Lossless Setting Mystery
That is a convenience setting. Say you plug in an external USB drive full of MP3s but you prefer to have everything in Apple format. That setting will convert the file format to M4A format and copy it to your local iTunes drive. (It will leave the... 
What is rebuffering?
One quick question - do you use your Squeezebox to also play music that has been saved on your computer? If so, a wireless connectivity problem will also cause interruptions with that. If music stored on your computer plays OK and only the Rhapsod...