
Responses from mlsstl

squeezbox Duet distortion
Is the problem only with internet radio or does it also happen when you play stored files from your computer? Have you tried using the Duet's analog outputs (without using the external DAC)?Does the external DAC work OK with other sources? If ever... 
How loud can I 'safely' play my Dynaudio Focus 140
A lot depends on what you mean by "loud". These days, playing in the mid 80 dB range sounds pretty loud to me. However, some people would be in the 100 dB range before they think the music is loud. Consider buying an inexpensive sound level meter ... 
Ripping Speed? Wave Files/Sound Quality
I personally don't know how extensive the iTune error correction system is. EAC has an "Accurip" feature that compares your rip against a database and gives you a "confidence" reading for the quality of your rip.However, over the years I've not ha... 
Ripping Speed? Wave Files/Sound Quality
Let's put this another way. Data programs are not time sensitive when they install. The CD drive can re-read the disk as many times as it wants. If the disk is in good shape, it reads the disk perfectly at 50X (or whatever.) If the disk is in poor... 
Ripping Speed? Wave Files/Sound Quality
My question is this: if ripping speed doesn't matter and bit-perfect copying is assured so long as you rip with error correction, then why are so many audiophiles intent on using Exact Audio Copy and why does the Nova Physics Memory Player tout it... 
New miles davis cd.... wow
Keep in mind the original recording was made in 1959. That was years before even Dolby was available for hiss reduction. I don't have the current CD issue (I've got the 1997 CD but it looks like there is a 2001 issue too) but it sounds like they m... 
Richie Havens new CD
I still have a hard time hearing the name "Richie Havens" and getting past National Lampoon's treatment of him on the Lemmings album from 1973... 
Are my Spendor S6 not S6e woofers original?
Three sources of info.QS&D was the Spendor importer for many years, including the period when the S6 was current. You can email them at Music is the new US importer for Spendor. You can email them at sales@bluebirdmusic... 
Ripping Speed? Wave Files/Sound Quality
CDs that are in good condition can be ripped at high speed without error. Just think, data programs - which are not allowed ANY errors during the installation read - have no problem installing at high speed if the disk isn't damaged. The error cor... 
Scratchy distortion on last tracks of CD
What is CD rot?It was discovered that some CDs can have the reflective layer begin oxidizing. This interferes with the reflective quality and screws things up for the laser to accurately read the disk. Since it is oxidation, it usually starts at ... 
Good rock LPs not rare?
Without getting into the debate of what qualifies as "rock" I'd offer the observation that many LPs from the past offer delightful tidbits that one can focus on even if the overall recording is only mediocre. The person who can focus on the positi... 
a question about tube amp lights...
You can't really judge a tube by filament brightness unless it is unusually off. Slight variances in alignment as tubes are assembled can make brightness appear to vary between tubes. The only way to really tell for sure is to put the tube in a tu... 
Help with Spendor S8e . No Bass
I replied to your email off line, but here are a couple of more thoughts.I'm not familiar with the other specific pieces of equipment you have. Any chance there is an active subwoofer setting that may have been accidentally turned on?Also, make yo... 
Speaker's efficiency, sensitivity and impedance
Which plays louder? ...a 88dB/2.83V/M 4ohm speaker. Or a 88dB/1W/M 6ohm speaker.Here's the math.2.83 volts into a 4 ohm speaker is 2 watts of power. So it takes 2 watts to get to 86 dB. At 1 watt the loudness would be 83 dB.At 1 watt the 6 ohm spe... 
How would you improve the sound of Squeezebox?
I use a Squeezebox 3 with a Lavry DA-10 external DAC. I auditioned a Transporter and couldn't tell much, if any, difference. I went with the SB3/Lavry combo and have been extremely pleased with the combo. It costs less (about 60% of the Transporte...