
Responses from mlsstl

Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular
I think Johnk missed one of my main points. Perhaps I can restate it as follows.Speaker design, like all engineering projects, is a complex series of decisions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the various choices available. This can empha... 
Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular
My impression is that horns are a bit more popular these days than in the recent past, but then most things tend to cycle in and out of fashion, irrespective of whether they are good, bad or indifferent.Horns have their strengths, but they also ha... 
Another NAS Question
(use NAS) make sure I don't lose them due to to a hard drive failure.Even a RAID format won't give you the level of protection you probably want. Equipment can be stolen, kicked over by accident, damaged in a fire or windstorm, wiped out by ... 
Escient Compared with Transporter or SB3
I haven't seen very many Escient reviews that talk about audio quality from a critical perspective. Their primary focus seems to be on convenience. You insert the disc and it is ripped and tagged with little input needed.One catch for me would be ... 
What do you think of Vandersteen 5a's?
Can they really make two different people feel that differently? In one word, yes. That shouldn't come as any surprise. You can pick any speaker on the face of the earth that has a respectable following and find those who simply don't understand w... 
Second failure of new amplifier
Timrhu, thanks for the clarification. That condition wasn't specified in your first message. It was simply described as "exchang[ing] original parts." 
Second failure of new amplifier
Timrhu, what would you say if Ford or GM voided your car warranty because you put in Bosch spark plugs instead of the Champions (or whatever) that it originally came with? Or limited your brands of gasoline to Exxon/Mobil only. ("I'm sorry, your w... 
Second failure of new amplifier
I'm surprised by those who think tube rolling wouldn't void the warranty. I gather you don't have much technical experience with tubes. You can get a tube data manual and find that any given tube - say a 6922 for example - has to meet a set of spe... 
Second failure of new amplifier
Transl, sounds like nothing more complicated than one of your NOS tubes was defective. That certainly can happen. As such, I'd just run it stock for a while to make sure nothing else is going on. If it continues to work well, then you can continue... 
Second failure of new amplifier
You weren't clear if the tubes you installed were the the same type as the factory installed. If you replaced the 12AU7 and 6922 with the same types it should NOT void the warranty in my opinion. In the close to 40 years I've been an audio electro... 
Reel 2 Reel
What would you suggest for a first reel to reel, 1/2 track or 1/4 track?Half-track machines are primarily professional use. The extra tape width per track gives a slightly better S/N ratio and also helps reduce the chance of signal drop-out due to... 
Spendor S9e or ProAc Response D28
I have a set of Spendor S8e speakers and really enjoy them. Very smooth and very musical at all volumes and I listen to a very wide range of music. I've not heard them side by side with the Proac but my impression is the Proacs are a bit brighter ... 
Reel 2 Reel
I've got a Tandberg 9241X. I've mainly used it the past couple of years to convert my open reels to digital. I had to recently get my rubber rollers rebuilt and one always worries about the availability of parts to repair or maintain a 30 year old... 
An Audiophile Goal
Raul wrote:Maybe what you have to do is to convince to the RIAA about your subject because with out standards is very difficult to follow a " rule " like you want.Bob is certainly entranced with his way of looking at this issue but as with most th... 
Review: Spendor S8e Speaker
Thanks for the compliment. Sometimes it is tough to write accurately about equipment you like without veering into overt gushiness. The sensitivity of the S8e is 89 dB. While not qualifying as a high-efficiency speaker, they do a pretty good job w...