
Responses from mlsstl

Any audiophile who is on blood pressure medication
It can sometimes take several weeks to a month or two for the body to adjust to a new medication such as those for blood pressure. If you don't find yourself getting back to normal after that period, you should then talk to your doctor. He or she ... 
Background noise problems
Actually, 80 dB for the Herron is a pretty good noise figure (just reading from their spec sheet). That was for the moving coil input option and that circuit has a lot of gain. I would think that figure would improve with a line level input. And a... 
Background noise problems
The specs on the McCormack show a 98 dB S/N ratio with a 1 volt input sensitivity for full output. The Herron has an 80 dB S/N ratio (for moving coil input) and the speakers show a sensitivity of 92 dB.The rushing noise you hear is white noise and... 
My Levinson 333 is buzzing from both speakers?
If it is buzzing from both channels and you are positive it is amp related, then the fact it occurs in both channels is indicative that it may be related to the power supply. That makes capacitors a good thing to check. However, unless you pop the... 
B&K powering Spendor?
Interesting comment about preferring solid state with the SP1/2Es. I had the opposite experience and have read many others find the same. I was using a Bel Canto S300 solid state (150 watts/ch) with the Spendor S8es and preferred it to the Conrad ... 
Audiophile Grade CDR's
Second the vote for Taiyo Yuden. I've used them for years. Excellent and consistent quality. 
ProAc Studio vs. Dynaudio Focus
Have you ever listened to any of the other classic British speakers like Harbeth or Spendor? While Proac is certainly a distinctive line by itself, it is in the same "family" in terms of their approach to sound. I auditioned Dynaudios before settl... 
why 3D Holographic sound
Two likely issues. One is the vertical dispersion of the tweeter is different for your standing and sitting positions. You might try changing the tilt of the speakers if possible.The other is the reflected sounds probably differ between standing a... 
Squeezebox Classic - Do you like it?
I use a SB3 with a Lavry DA-10 DAC and get excellent results. After trying a number of different alternatives (including a Transporter) the past several years I've run the above setup for over a year and a half and really settled into it. It just ... 
recapping or don't?
If you wish to experiment, just make sure you remove the originals carefully and hang on to them. Then, if you don't like the change, remove the new ones, solder the old ones back in place and enjoy the original sound, knowing that your experiment... 
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter
Tbg, we seem to be in a circular argument. First let's state a hopefully agreed fact: whether the Muratas, Townshends or another supertweeter, their frequency bandwidth starts at some point. For example, you use the figure of 15KHz for the Muratas... 
How to manage a big itunes library?
Keep in mind that about the only scenario a RAID setup helps with is a single drive failure. There are lots of other things than can take out all the drives or even a whole system: a power surge, theft, fire or smoke damage, a broken water pipe an... 
Why do dealers do this?
Does this thread (or any on Audiogon) really need to be discussing politics? There are other web sites better suited to such discourse if people feel the need to make their political thoughts known. I'd rather see Audiogon stick to the intended su... 
How to manage a big itunes library?
One other suggestion is consider adding hard drive coolers to each drive. These are fan-based coolers that mount directly on the drive. I picked up 4 recently for my systems; they were $5 each. They went on quickly and lowered the hard drive temp ... 
Why do dealers do this?
I suspect dealers who are like this fancy themselves so perceptive that they can spot which customers are serious buyers and which are tire-kickers. It sounds like in your case (and many others one reads about in forums like this) that said dealer...