
Responses from mlsstl

Tube question/concern JOLIDA 302 B
There are a couple of possibilities. One is that the tube just needed a good re-insert and everything is fine now.Another is that a pin on the tube was damaged when bumped. If so the tube needs replacement. The least desirable issue would be the b... 
New fantastic room but system pissing off neighbor
In reading your post several times, there was only a fairly vague mention of sound, one time, by one neighbor and it didn't contain an actual complaint or a request to do anything different. Now you are divining the level of friendliness in hallwa... 
Replacing speakers in Lat-1's
What is your system by the way????Nothing fancy, but I like it. I've got a pair of Spendor SP1/2Es driven by an Image 65i tube amp. Source is a Squeezebox through a Lavry DA-10 DAC.Spendor makes their own mid/bass units in house and use a fairly h... 
Replacing speakers in Lat-1's
Just thought I would ask since the Lat-1's have one of the best crossovers money can buy in them. Thought if i get same impedance etc. I could get a better speaker to put in the Lat-1's.There is a heck of a lot more to matching specifications than... 
Replacing speakers in Lat-1's
Generally if the original speaker is a well designed model for its price point, it is not a good idea to just replace drivers. The cabinet should have been designed to match the characteristics of the woofer for low frequency extension, compliance... 
Can "Digital" damage my gear?
I wouldn't worry about damage to your amp from LP clicks and pops. Over the past 10 years I've converted my LP collection to digital using Adobe Audition. It allows you to zoom in on clicks and pops and most are not more than a thousandth of a sec... 
Can "Digital" damage my gear?
Can LP clicks & pops damage a system?Very unlikely, but theoretically possible if the volume control were high. Over the years there has been a few times that a damaged record has sent me diving to turn the volume control down. Once a record i... 
A couple of question...
Traditionally the primary advantage for using balanced (XLR) interconnects is to keep the noise floor low in long cable runs. Microphone cables which operate at low voltages and have long strings of wire from their position by the musicians to the... 
Can "Digital" damage my gear?
Actually, the last high frequency oscillation problem I had involved a Conrad Johnson PV-10A tube preamp several years ago. A power supply cap went bad and it had a high frequency oscillation that I couldn't hear but fortunately my 24 year old son... 
Can "Digital" damage my gear?
As for viruses being serious issue from the beginning (being treated seriously) - you must be kidding? Nope, I'm not. The fact that virus attempts have escalated over the years does not mean they did not exist before. The first version of Windows... 
Can "Digital" damage my gear?
- that's exactly what people said about computer viruses at the beginning. I've been involved with computers since the early 1980s. I don't ever recall such a statement by anyone. Viruses have always been a serious issue with networked computers f... 
Tube Rolling - No Change in Sound
There are four possible explanations.1. The circuit design of your Wyetech Opal may not be particularly sensitive to variations in tube parameters. 2. While the internal tube design characteristics of the same tube from different manufacturers can... 
Can "Digital" damage my gear?
I've got over 40,000 songs on my digital server. I have never come across a maliciously recorded digital song. I've had damaged CDs give me silence, clicks, pops and stutters but no blasts of noise. Each person gets to worry about those things the... 
Can "Digital" damage my gear?
Keep in mind that analog circuits can malfunction in ways that result in high volumes and/or high frequencies. Something as simple as a turntable phono cable that gets partially unplugged could blow a tweeter if the volume knob on the amp is turne... 
Squeezebox and Theta DAC
The analog out from the Squeezebox is really quite remarkable considering the low cost of the device. However, I use mine with a Lavry DA-10 external DAC and there is an increase in clarity and refinement that is noticeable.I've not heard the Camb...