
Responses from mlsstl

Dahlquist speakers
That's one of those questions you'll have to answer for yourself. Dahlquist has a devoted following, but it is hardly universal. They really "sang" for some but left others cold. I was in the category that found them "interesting" but wasn't taken... 
Has anyone ever switched to Harbeth
Missioncoonery wrote: "I personally dont think Dynaudio has a "house sound"..."I suspect that is a bit like a reference to accents. Most people don't describe themselves as having an accent. Rather the word is used to refer to others who sound dif... 
Has anyone ever switched to Harbeth
While not a Dynaudio/Harbeth comparison, I did spend quite a bit of time auditioning the Dynaudio line about 3 years ago. While Dynaudios are a very good speaker, I ended up with a pair of Spendors, a British cousin of Harbeth that are similar in ... 
Dynavector XV-1S and equal stereo output?
Double check all aspects of your cartridge's alignment in the headshell (front-to-rear; yaw and tilt if adjustable) and tone arm adjustment, including anti-skating and pivot height. Also keep in mind that sometimes the indicators on knobs (such as... 
Classe CDP .3 1.5 skipping non red book CDs
I've not worked on a Classe, but many CD players have an electronic adjustment process that should be completed when a laser pickup is replaced. If it is skipping on tracks that it should read after a factory authorized service, the far and away b... 
Riaa curve
Ultimately, the accuracy of the inverse RIAA equalization on a phono preamp is only meaningful to the point it is equal to the accuracy of the equalization used on the cutter in the production process. Look at it this way. I can't add "about 2" pl... 
CD transport vs streamer?
...WAV and FLAC list similar transcoding statements as ALAC does,No, that is a very different statement. It applies only to the original SliMP3 and the first generation Squeezebox 1. No one is talking about those models in this conversation.Here's... 
CD transport vs streamer?
I'm not sure what you mean by Apple Lossless is not a native format to the Squeezebox. Check the Slimserver website: the ALAC entry a shade over halfway down the page:"- Must be transcoded ... 
CD transport vs streamer?
I am using apple lossless.That could be one factor. ALAC is not native to the Squeezebox so has to be transcoded by the Squeezecenter software and streamed to the Squeezebox in a different format. Check your settings to see which format is being u... 
CD transport vs streamer?
Jglim, I'm still curious about the file format you're using for the Squeezebox. Some formats are not native to the device. While they will play they require transcoding by the server software, so that could be an issue for you. 
CD transport vs streamer?
Thanks for the link to the other thread, Rich. It was an interesting read. No, I did not directly compare the SB3/Lavry with the Transporter/Lavry as I didn't have them in-house at the same time. While the Transporter was very good, I do agree wit... 
CD transport vs streamer?
Just out of curiosity, what file format are you using to store the files for the Squeezebox? 
CD transport vs streamer?
I have not heard the Weiss Medea DAC you're using so can't comment directly on it though it does have a good reputation. However, I run my Squeezebox through a Lavry DA-10 DAC and am very pleased with my system. I settled on this combo 2 1/2 years... 
DAC instead of Pre-amp
Yes, that can work. I output my Lavry DA-10 directly to my tube amp. Got rid of the preamp several years ago. I use a Squeezebox player with the digital out to the DAC. I control the listening volume with the Squeezebox's digital volume control.On... 
Riaa curve
The RIAA curve for a phono preamp has a 40 dB swing from 20 Hz to 20KHz. Half of that is a 20 dB boost of the bass and the other half is a similar cut in the treble. It crosses the zero point at 1 KHz. However, it is not a completely straight line...