
Responses from mlsstl

Cheap upgrade path?
Check out a Topping E30 DAC -- $130 and getting good reviews from a variety of sources. I picked up one the other day out of curiosity and prefer it to the DAC in my Bel Canto C5i.  
Music from ripped CDs (server)
Why would you automatically suspect that ripped CDs sound worse than the CD itself? I ripped my CD collection of several thousand CDs starting well over 10 years ago and was never able to tell a difference in sound quality between the two formats.... 
Used GE Triton 1s
You have two different sets of questions to ask.First, do you like the sound of GE Tritons? GE has a good reputation and a number of good reviews, but like any speaker, they are not everyone's choice. So, decide for yourself if they are the speake... 
Does your CD player not play all the way to the end of the album?
@peporter -- The laser assembly that reads the CD data usually slides back and forth on a rail system, powered by a small motor. It could be that the lubrication of the rails has dried up or become dirty and is sticking at the point where laser ha... 
Help for an Old School Audiophile
I digitized my CDs (and LPs and open reels) and moved my collection to a server years ago, long before any of the streaming services were available. I now either stream from my own collection (about 60,000 tracks) or Qobuz. I don't even have a tur... 
Sound drops out for split second every few minutes.....
Sounds like you've fixed your problems by going back to Win 8, but one more observation. I have Win 10 on a desktop which I occasionally use for recording and mixing with an older version of the Adobe Audition program. While the program ran fine o... 
Been away for a while, need some help
@ovinewar, for my main system I use a RPi 3B+ with the HiFiBerry Digi+Pro Hat. OS is PiCorePlayer 6 as I have a 7" RPi touch screen attached that displays album info. The other RPi is also a 3B+, but it uses the HiFiBerry OS which works very well,... 
Been away for a while, need some help
I'm a Raspberry Pi fan -- I have two that I use as streamers. One is in my main system and uses a HiFiBerry Digi+Pro Hat for output to my Bel Canto amplifier which has a built-in DAC. The other RPi uses a HiFiBerry DAC Hat that I use in my small o... 
System- so many questions
My two cents is that Roon is a music management system. I gave it a one month trial and it had zero impact on the sound quality of my system. The reason you'd want it is that it makes it easier to find the music you want to listen to, with added i... 
Why don't you try asking this question in the speaker subforum?  
Audio Note AN/E vs. DeVore O/96
I owned a set of Spendor SP1/2Es and really enjoyed them. Their ability to reproduce naturally recorded voice and acoustic instruments was incredible. Their imaging was the best I've heard, but that came at the price of a very small sweet spot. (I... 
Hard disk for Music Server
Just curious about your need for 10 TB of storage - that's a lot! Do you currently have a large collection already on hard drive that you are simply going to transfer? Or, do you have a CD collection that you are going to rip? If that latter, it i... 
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ??
A comment about Ohms v. Magnapans. Mapman describes this well -- the Ohms present a wonderful image regardless of the listener' position in front of the speakers, even in "difficult" or asymmetrical rooms. I contrast that to the Maggies (I owned a... 
Streaming: WiFi or wired??
Two comments. First, @guy-incognito, regarding how much sense it makes to install better cable than your ISP service speed needs, keep in mind that upgrades do happen. I recently went from 100Mb internet to gigabit and had to replace two runs of o... 
Streaming: WiFi or wired??
I've ran my old Squeezebox Touches both wired and wirelessly, and have done the same with my current Raspberry Pi players. As others have said, as long as the wireless signal strength is good, I find no difference is audio quality nor the responsi...